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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Detective Wilson, an older white man stood in the living room of the Diamond Estate along side his partner Detective Johnson who was jotting down notes.  Mama K took the lead providing the Detectives with minor details regarding Mari; what he wore to school that day, his facial features and a recent picture.

"He wore Fendi ? To daycare?" Detective Johnson, the short young women questioned. K could tell she was fresh out of the academy because of all the follow up questions she asked as if she was really going to crack this case. But everyone in that room knew otherwise.

"Why the fuck does it matter that he wore Fendi to daycare?" Alora barked from the entrance of the room. Everyone head shot in her direction. "I-I'm sorry," the detective stuttered.

"Mom .. Dad why are we wasting our time with these incompetent detectives?" she rubbed at her forehead in irritation. "You must be Alora, the victims mother. I'm apologize for the situation your family has been faced with, And I emphasize with you. We're going to do everything in our power to bring Amari home." Detective Wilson said

"First of all my son ain't no fucking victim let's get that clear," Wilson swallowed hard regretting his poor choice of words. "Uh Wilson," she read his name tag. "How many times have you said that same bullshit to other families before forgetting t their child's name the moment you walked out the door?" Detective Wilson went to speak but Alora cut him off. "Matter a fact, how many kids have you actually been responsible for returning to their families?"

"I told y'all not to let these pigs in. Lora about to have ole girl rethinking her career choice by the time she leaves." Carter whispered to Safir and Rome.

Safir chuckled, pushing Carter away from him. "Nigga shut up."

Carter knew how Alora felt about the police, hell everyone had an ill feeling towards them. But since he was taken at the daycare Monica had to report it which resulted in these rent-a-cops showing up at their front door. Mama K planned on giving them only little bit of information then sending them on there way. She didn't want the cops involved at all, the family had more resources at their disposals than the police department. Theirs services weren't needed in the slightest,

Detective Wilson didn't respond but his partner did. "The police department helped bring home a few missing persons in the last month alone." she said, matter a factly. Detective Wilson shook his head because in reality Alora spoke facts.

Alora chuckled. "No Ms.Mamas the Diamond Family is responsible for returning Taj Wright, Alesha Beacon, Tasha Lee, Emmanuel Brown." she said, just to name a few of the black children that were recently reunited with their families with the help of KD.

The Family had an nonprofit organization dedicated to helping parents find their missing children wether they were taken or simply ran away. The police department had not a thing to do with their returns. Where black and brown children were concerned cops were never much help.

Johnson looked at Wilson for confirm. He turned his head away instead. "Exactly, so if you think I'm bouta entrust a fat mutha fucka with donut crumbs still on his chin and a rookie cop to bring my son home you got another thing coming." she said shifting her weight from one leg to another.

"Alora." Mama K called her name. "No mom. You wasting time feeding these cops information they ain't gonna put to use. I can run a name, check known addresses then what's next?" she questioned, eyes bouncing between the two detectives for answers but neither spoke up. "Exactly I can do this shit my damn self. "

"I do want to remind you that interfering an a ongoing investigation can result in you being charged." The woman detective spoke up again.

KD snickered, he had to admit the young detective had heart but she had no clue who she was up against. Alora wouldn't be charged with a damn thing. She'd be released from police custody before she was brought in for questioning. T wife was the best lawyer in the tri-state area, Alora wouldn't spend a minute in a cell.

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