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Rome leaned against the balcony railing, the cool metal contrasting with the warmth of the morning sun. The beach stretched before him, its golden sands meeting the turquoise embrace of the Caribbean Sea. Palm trees swayed gently in the breeze, casting dancing shadows on the ground.

It was only 9am, the house was still. The early morning flight had left everyone in peaceful slumber, leaving  Rome to his thoughts. Mari's return echoed in Rome's thoughts. His eyes, fixated on the distant horizon while the weight of recent events cast a somber tone.

As he inhaled deeply, Rome wrestled with the aftermath of Mari's kidnapping, a sense of responsibility lingering in his every exhale. Why did he feel like he should've done more?

Pulling out his phone he sent Dr.Cruz a text, asking for her to give him a call when she could. With everything that's been going on he had missed a few of their sessions and was in desperate need of her insight.

Rome's solitude allowed him a moment of vulnerability. He took another drag, exhaling slowly, as if releasing the pent-up tension within. The distant sound of waves crashing against the shore were almost therapeutic as he dazed out into scenery before him.

The sound of his phone snapped him from his daze. Dr. Cruz name appeared on the screen, he answered quickly. "Dr. Cruz how are you? I didn't expect a call so soon."

"I'm always available for my VIP clients. Plus we haven't had a session in awhile so I figured I better not delay this call. So tell me Rome what's going on?" she asked.

He hit the blunt once more before speaking. "Since Mari kidnapping I couldn't help but feel responsible. I feel like a let him down. I didn't protect him like I should've, like I promised. At the same time it's like I have no reason to feel this way when he isn't even my kid." he sighed deeply.

"It's understandable to feel a sense of responsibility and guilt, but remember that you did not have control over the situation. It's important to support and help where you can, but try not to burden yourself with undue guilt," she replied.

"That's easier said than done. At times I really be having to remind myself that Mari isn't my son although I love him as if he was. We so locked in it was like withdrawal not being able to pull up him after school or FaceTime him before bed for those weeks."

"It sounds like you've developed a strong bond with Mari, and it's natural to feel the impact of his absence. Missing those daily interactions is undoubtedly tough. Have you been able to discuss your feelings with someone for support? Perhaps Alora maybe?"

"You know your right. I need to give myself some grace. But Nah, I haven't talk to her yet. I do plan on it though. I just have to get my mind together. Being back in Aruba is bringing back old memories of us."

Returning to Aruba stirred conflicting emotions within Rome, but the impact truly hit him upon reaching the family vacation home. It was a nostalgic return to where their passionate relationship began, making him ponder Alora's feelings about revisiting the place where their very complicated relationship all began.

Their relationship had evolved significantly since those early days, moving beyond emotional games. Now, no longer kids, Rome seeks more than mere physical connection – he desires a lasting place in both Alora and her son's life.

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