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"Ciera I already told ya ass you ain't going nowhere this weekend since ya ass wanted to miss curfew twice." Laura said, mixing the mash potatoes in the pot.

"But mooommmm," she whined. "But momm nothing," she mocked. "I let you off twice, now you taking a advantage. I said no and that's finally little girl." she replied sternly, pointing the end of the spoon at Ciera .

Although her mother was correct Ciera had been getting over with staying out past curfew, she was pissed. She was not trying to be in the house on a Friday night while all her friends were out having a good night. On top of that the torture of watching them on Instagram and Snapchat was sure to drive her insane.

"Mmcht, oh my goddd." she huffed, climbing off the stole and storming out of the kitchen.

"Make me knock you out stomping through my damn house like that." Laura shouted out behind her.

Ciera ignored her mother as she climbed the staircase stomping with an attitude. When she got to the top instead of going to her room she made her way towards Monty room. He always helped her sneak out so she assumed tonight would be no different.

She knocked on the door twice causing it to crack open. Monty voice could be heard from the other side, he did not sound happy at all.

"Rubi, stop fucking playing with me yo! I've been letting ya little shit slide but you're getting above ya self." she heard him say. She couldn't see Monty but she had a full view of Rubi, arms folded across her chest with her weight shift to one leg.

"Monty fuck you," Rubi flicked her wrist. "Just like you were out here fucking whoever, Ima do as I please until-," her sentence was cut short when Monty backhand went across her face, the force sent her to the ground.

Ciera eyes flew wide open in shock. She had never seen her brother raise his hand to a woman before, his next moves shocked her even more. Monty came into view, he hovered over top of Rubi. He threw a few blows to her body, she curled herself up an attempt to block his hits. "Monty stop!" she shouted.

"Finish popping ya shit babe." he taunted her, "You gonna do what?"

Rubi didn't speak, she was in shock just like Ciera who was still on the other side of the door. She had never seen this side of Monty and it scared her.

Monty rushed down, wrapped his hands around her neck. Rubi started to scratch at his hands for him the release her but his grip only got tighter. "Stop fucking playing me Rubi," he said into her ear.

Ciera had seen enough, she barged into his room pushing him with all her weight. Monty ended up falling into a mirror hanging on the wall causing it to fall. "What the fuck is wrong with you nigga? Since when you start this shit?" she questioned pointing to a very shaken Rubi.

"What the fuck is going on in here?" Mama Laura entered the room. All the shouting, thumping coming from the upstairs made her find her way to Monty room. She examined the scene speechless. Ciera had helped poor Rubi to her feet, escorting her out of her brothers room.

Ciera ended up cleaning Rubi up and taking her home that night. The incident was never started about but knowing her mother, she made it go away. Monty nor her mother about the incident. Rubi parents were furious when they learned of the incident, lawyer up to press charges against Monty and everything. However that didn't last long since they weren't as furious as they were money hungry. Laura cut a deal to keep her sons names clean; 250k cash and a full ride to a college of Rubi choice was all it took. That was the very first deal Laura made to cover up Monty uncontrollably temper.

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