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April 17th | 2:30 pm

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April 17th | 2:30 pm

"Safir, dunk my son again you gonna be fighting for ya life." Alora shouted, after he dunk a screaming Amari under the water.

"He being a little punk." Safir laughed, sitting him on the side of the pool.

Amari got up from the sideline the moment Safir sat him down and ran over to Alora. "Maaaa," he whined.

"Come here baby," she playfully pouted as she held her arms out for him. "Who did it to the baby?"

"Sa Sa," he pouted, pointing at Safir.

Safir chuckled. "Oh now you a rat now? I'm definitely dunking ya ass now." he swam towards them.

"Stop!" he yelled at Safir, jerking his little body at him. 

Alora chuckled. "Stop messing with my son."

"Nah his little mamas boy ass. He don't even act like that when he with us." Safir told her, scrunching his face up at Amari.

At only two Amari hung out with his uncles and Rome as if he were one of the guy; from rough housing to playfully being tossed around by them. Amir always either fought back or laughed at the crazy things they did to him never whined for his mom. Safir didn't like how Amari was acting with Alora present.

"Alora got his ass babied and spoiled." Rome said, taking a sit next to her then held his arms out for Amari who let go of his mother and went to Rome.

"Okay ? Safir and Amir are spoiled and babied by mommy so what's really tea?" she retorted, giving him the side eye.

"We don't whine for our mommy though." he said in the their defense, sticking his tongue out at Amari who gave him the middle finger.

Rome laughed. "You childish as fuck." she told him.

"Ima beat ya ass ya Mari. Ya mom not gonna be able to save you all the time." he splashed him from the pool.

"Tink go beat his ass cause he playing with you." Alora coached him.'

"Out da pool." he told Safir getting in a fight stance.

"What you tryna do lil nigga." Safir splashed him again.

"Punk." Amari jerked at him.

"Ight, i got you," Safir pulled himself up out of the pool from the side then walked over to Amari and stooped to his level. "Now what happened lil nigga."

"That ya last little nigga for the day nigga." Alora warned him .

Amari hit his uncle upside the head. "Punk."

"Ayooooo." Rome laughed, grabbing Amari before Safir could react.

"Watch when ya mom and dad not around ima beat ya ass." Safir told Amari. He laughed at Safir while holding on to Rome.

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