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(Don't be a ghost reader)

The past few days has been hell for Alora, as much as she tried to thug it out like Ariana said she has her moments where she wants to shoot some shit up. Monty was literally taunting her ass; he'd send photos and videos of Mari playing in that backyard. The same backyard she couldn't recall it's location, it was like he knew that because none of the text he sent had a different background.

She hadn't talked to Mari in a few days so she was slowly losing her shit and she refused to go back to her parents house. Everytime she looked into their faces the look of sympathy or rage stared back at her. She didn't need that, Alora had consumed a plan that just need time in order to work. JD was in town doing what he did best which put her ease just a little but she wanted her son home yesterday.

As she pulled up to the restaurant where she was scheduled to meet Dr.Cuz her phone went off, Monty name flashed across the screen. She had taking him off her block list a few days ago in case he tried to call and boy was she happy she did.

"How can I help you Monty?" she answered the call. She tried to sound unbothered as possible like her father said she couldn't allow Monty ass to break her.

"Is that how you talk to the person that's standing between you and your child." he taunted her.

"Mhm yea cause I could've said fuck you want fuck nigga but I was being nice." she replied. "Fuck you wanted a "Hey baby,"," she soften up her voice.

"That's exactly what I wanted," Alora could've tell from his tone of voice he was smiling which made her silently gag. "Nigga your truly delusional." she laughed sarcastically in his ear. "It's fuck you and it'll always be fuck you. Now hows Mari ? I know he misses his mother."

He hesitated to answer. "He's okay... who's Bubba?"

Alora could feeling her insides boiling. If she could reach through the phone and strangle Monty she would've. Bubba wasn't a person or thing but a code word she taught him if an event he was somewhere he didn't want to be. All this time she thought it didn't stick because he never used it before until now. It meant he was fine but he wanted to come home. It's only Bubba Lo, calm ya nerves. She attempted to gave herself a pep talk. Get it together ma. Think about the satisfaction of shooting his ass later. It was like she had two Aloras on each of her shoulders reeling her back from snapping out.

She snickered. "He's given you hell ain't he?"

Mari was normally a well behaved child but when kept away from his family for to long with no communication, someone was going it pay. For Monty to be calling now Alora knew her child was be becoming restless with his father. She could only imagine the bullshit lies Monty was feeding him in order to keep him under control but it obviously wasn't working.

"N-no. He keeps asking for Bubba and that nigga Rome. Didn't I tell you keep that nigga away from my son?" he gritted through his teeth.

"Mhm and I definitely gave you a response of I don't care. Rome does more than you so ya opinion is invalid." she said nonchalantly. "Now, look at ya dumb ass, you took my child trying to be spiteful and you can't even deal with him." she forced a giggle.

"I can to handle our child," he shouted into the phone getting all worked up. Alora laughed in his ear to push his buttons even more. Monty was taken back by Aloras behavior because their was nothing on this earth she loved more than her son. He just knew she'd be distraught with his absent but she seemed to be her same witty self. He was aware Alora wasn't your average women but he also knew there wasn't much in this world that could put fear in her heart like losing another child. He wanted her to plead for her son, tell him how she'd do anything for his return but it didn't happen.

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