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July 2nd

Alora along with Mari and Thalik, Malik son entered Kings Kutz a barbershop owned by the Kings Family. Another well known crime family in the city. She glanced around the shop looking for Mecca, the only barber that was allowed to touch the boys head.

"Hey Tiny, Mecca in ?" she asked another Barber. He looked up from his client. "Nah but he should be coming in any minute though. You got an appointment?"

"Nope, squeeze in."

"Just have a sit he should be in soon." he insisted, returning back to cutting his client.

She instructed for the boys to have a sit in the waiting area and sat along with them. As always she kept her head on a s swivel, every time the door dinged her eyes darted in that direction. Plus they were in the hood, niggas never knew how to act so her guard was up.

She watched as Rico, a local drug dealer had jump into the sit while someone else was next. The little boy had to be no more than 15, instead of saying something he just made his way back to the waiting area. He wasn't going to say anything since Rico was considered a ruthless drug dealer around the way but if he wasn't gonna say anything Alora was.

"Huh stop," she told the little boy. "Rico, what type nigga is you to bust in front of a kid ? You really a clown."

He sucked his teeth. "He allow me to go before him. Right little man?" he grinned in his direction. The little boy looked between him and Alora. "Y-yea, it fine. He can go."

"No it's not fine. You need to stead up for ya self. I don't know care who this clown think he is. He paid for in appointment just like you." she rolled her eyes.

The shop was appointment only due to always being booked up. They had the option of squeeze in appointments at an additional fee.

"Alora, you invested in something that has nothing to do with you."

She was but she didn't care. She hated Rico, he'd push around anybody he could. The little boy in front of them was a prime example. "Nah, it's the principal. You supposed to be looking out for these kids not stepping on they toes for a haircut." she pointed in his face

Alor felt like the older generation of the neighborhood should've been the ones looking out for the younger generation. At least because that's what she saw from her family and the people they were associated with.

"Everyone can't be a Diamond." he shrugged, wearing asmugged look on his face .

"You Damn sure couldn't. My folks would've paid for that sit and his haircut but it's cool." she turned to the little boy. "I'll have Mecca do ya cut cool?" a smile appeared on the little boy face making her smile as well. She glanced back over to Rice. "Broke ass nigga." she huffed.

Rico lent forward in the chair. "Baby girl, act like you don't want shit to pop off of in front of ya folks." he nodded over to Mari and Thalik.

Alora laugh, she wasn't surprised at Rico threat but it definitely made her giggle. He and Amir had been beefing for years since Amir never would put him on. Rico was sneaky and wasn't to be trusted so it was a no brainer to keep him far away from his dealings.

"You must got a death wash speaking on my folks." she smirked at him.

"Fuck you gonna do ? Call ya bitch ass brother up?" he chuckled.

"The same nigga that beat ya ass how many times ?" she titled her head to the side as she chuckled.

This angered Rico, he quickly hopped out of the chair leaping into Alora face clenching his fist as if he was going to hit her. "You dumb bitch,!"

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