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Next Day

It was around one in the afternoon when Brittany was awake by the sound of her doorbell. She tried to block it out but it was clear the person wasn't going anywhere with how they continued to ringing her bell.

"Ughh," she groaned, dragged herself out the bed and towards the stairs. When she got to the door she stood on her tippy toes checking the peep hole, she called out "Who is it?"

"Delivery for Brittany from Alora Diamond." the voice replied.

"What the hell this girl done sent," she mumbled to herself opening the door. "Hello,"

"Hey, you can sign here and it all yours."

She signed the clipboard then grabbed the package and backed into the house kicking the door shut with her foot. She walked over to the kitchen and place the medium size box on the counter before searching for a knife to cut it open.

After retrieving a knife from the drawer she cut open the tape off around the box then open it cerious to see the contents of the box. She busted out out laughing at container of fried pickles with a side of peanut butter and four pregnant test along with a note that read.

Bitch take the damn test
-Love Lo

Brittany tossed the note back in the box then cracked open the container of fried pickles. She popped a few in her mouth nearly broke out dancing the moment they touched her tastebuds. She was finally completely satisfied now more than she been had with the other foods she was forcing her to food since these past few week she didn't really have an appetite. She didn't need a test to confirm her pregnancy, she know right then and there she was pregnant. The fried pickles confirmed it.

Once again a knock followed by a ring of the doorbell disturbed her peace. She rolled eyes, continuing to stuff her face silently hoping the person would just come in. After a few minutes  her front door opened sending Brittany into survival mode. She quickly grabbed her  gun from a cabinet in the kitchen and pointed it at the door.

"What the fuck you gonna shoot me?" the person questioned, staring at her completely unfazed. 

"Brandon ! What the fuck? You could've called." she shouted, placing the gun down on the counter.

He frowned, staring at her then back at the door. He was confused to why she was yelling when she left the door unlock. She should've been glad it was him and not some stranger entering her home.

"No you could lock the damn door. Why it's unlocked anyway ? Shouldn't you be in bed ? I though you ain't feel well." he walked up to her and pecked her lips, frowning at the taste of pickles her lips.

"I didn't... but Alora sent me a kinda get well package which resulted in me having to get out of bed." she explained.

"Oh yea, what she send ? this " he pointed to the box on the counter, taking a peep inside the box Brittany nearly fainted. She had no plans of revealing her pregnant to him only time soon. Just moments prior to Brandons unexpected arrival she had decided to keep it a secret until she figured out what she wanted to do.

Brandon stared at the box contents for a good three minutes with a blank stare. Brittany grow nervous by the second because his silence was killing her. She rather he bombard her with questions versus the silence she currently was receiving from him.

"Alora seems to think I'm pregnant because of my odd cravings but I disagr-" she stopped talking at the unexpected smile that crept across his face. "Are you smiling ? Why you smiling ?" she question, since his reaction caught her completely off guard.

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