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(Don't be a ghost reader)

12:30 pm

Rome followed a clueless Monty through the busy streets of Downtown Philadelphia. The blocks were full with people so it was easy for him to trail behind without Monty noticing.  For someone who been out of the game for awhile he sure didn't miss a beat blending in with traffic, occasionally slipping in and out of stores effortlessly while never losing his target.

He was waiting for the prefect moment to either snatch him up or at least beat his ass. Rome would be lying if he said he wasn't for the day to check Momty ass. Monty always thought he had the upper hand against him because he was actively with Alora while Rome watched. It may have made him jealous in the moment but deep down he knew the shit wouldn't last.

Alora did dumb shit like get in relationships with people she knew she wasn't meant for. He knew her heart was with him regardless of who she entertained.

Rome window of opportunity opened when Monty walked by an semi dark back block. He shoved him in what some would describe as an alley. Monty was caught off guide but prepared. He quickly retrieved the gun he had tucked away in his back.

Rome laughed. "Nigga if you pulling that shit you better be using it."

Monty tried his luck and pulled the trigger but nothing happened which made Rome laugh even more.

"What the fuck" Monty mumbled, examining the gun trying to figure out why it didn't fire.

"This shit to easy." Rome said to himself. He inches towards Monty completely unfazed by his presence nor the fact that he had a loaded gun in his hand.

He punched Monty making him drop the gun which he quickly picked up. "Next time make sure the safety off." Rome told him taking it off.

"Now this ain't a warning or a peace offering. I'm telling you stay the fuck away from Alora and Amari." Rome gritted through his teeth.

Monty chuckled. "You realize your telling me to stay away from my son, right ?" he questioned, wanting to make sure he heard Rome right.

"Now he ya son? Where was that energy when Nina ordered that attack on Alora with ya son ?"

Monty didn't confirm nor deny having anything to do with the attack. Instead he decided to attack Rome character. "I know the same nigga that wasn't even there for his own ain't giving me advice on how to be a parent," he chuckled. "Rome let's admit what's this really about; I got ya girl and ya kid while you just watch from the shadows tryna play daddy to my seed. Shit pathetic bruh ."

Rome allowed Monty to get whatever he wanted to say before striking him with the butt of the gun. Monty stumbled backwards a little holding the area that's was now bruised.

"You may be Maris biological father but you ain't father to that boy and we both know it. No father would allowing any harm to come to there child." Rome spared, eyeing Monty in disgust.

"If we really being honest Mari the only reason she stayed with ya ass so long. She settled for ya ass for the sake of her child while you ou tried to tear her down repeatedly from the little bitch Ashley, sabotaging her cars, putting ya hands on her, fucking with her money, cutting her off from yours. You tried everything to break her but Alora ain't no weak ass bitch."

Rome knew way more about Monty and Alora relationship than he let on. He didn't say much regarding it allowing her to handle things how she saw fit but it was clear to him she wasn't willing to make the hard decisions when it came to him.

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