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Alora along with Doc entered the area where Laura was being kept. It's was a nice medium size space, one would have never thought when they walked out it'd be into a warehouse. The walls were a light grey, carpet cover the cold ground, a 43 inch hung on the wall right above the dresser Laura kept some of her things in. There were no windows of course but the walls were decorated with different paintings.

Alora hospitality towards Laura was way greater than it had been to Nina. She made sure Laura got home cooked meals, the necessities to keep up with her hygiene and plenty of books to read to pass the time.

Laura figured this was Aloras way of soothing her conscious due to what she did to her but it wasn't. At the end of day Laura was Mari grandmother wether she likes it or not, and when all this was all said and done she'd still be but from a distance. The damage Alora did to Laura was enough to send a message to not only Monty but Laura that she wasn't the quite little Diamond that everyone took her for.

"Laura." Alora spoke dryly, staring off at Laura as the Doc moved towards her. Laura shifted on the couch, preparing for the Doc to check her bandages. "Doc," she replied, giving the Doc a warm smile.

"How are you feeling? Any pain, pus leakage or fevers?" He asked, placing his bag on the nightstand and removed a few needed items.

"I mean I could be better," she pointed to her surroundings. Doc shook his head, proceeding to unwrap her hand.

For the first time Laura glanced up at Alora who stood nearby the door, eyes never leaving the two of them. "So is my son still alive or was I so bad of a mother my life means nothing to him?" Laura tilted her head to the side.

Alora ignored her. She wasn't about to talk shop in front of the Doc. Although he had been employed by her family for many years she knew to keep family business details to a minimum. Doc knew his place never asking any questions, everything was on a need to know base, he pulled up when needed and got paid handsomely for his dis

Doc spent the next twenty minutes cleaning and rebandage the wound. "She will need an x-ray done in about a week but everything else seems to be fine." Doc said.

"This will actually be the last time you'll have to follow up with her. Thanks Doc. Your payment will be wired by end of business day." Alora replied, opening the door for his exit.

"Last check up?" Laura frowned her unkept brows. "Why do I feel like this isn't good."

"I mean I don't know. You'll be back home within the hour. How isn't that a good thing?"

This indeed wasn't a good thing for either parties involved. Laura would be ultimately waiting for the day she got that call saying her son was found dead and Alora had to wait to pull the trigger.

"Let me guess I'll be burying my child a few hours after?" she retorted, picking up a book from beside her.

"More like a few months," Alora smirked, slowly moving across the room towards Laura . "The block to hot right now, killing him now will only bring unnecessary attention that'll point back to me. You know how this shit goes."

"I mean you brought attention to yourself when you went on national television with ya attics." Laura scoffed.

"Says the same women that ordered her own husband murder because he was cheating."

"Did you forget everything else he was involved with? I was protecting my children." she attempted to defend her actions.

Alora laughed, sarcastically. "Oh my god! Laura are good serious ? After all these years your still lying to yourself," she scoffed. "I don't know who's worse you and ya deliouass son. All the money in the world couldn't cover that up."

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