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"Bitch, why would you pick a fight with that girl ? Monty going to be so mad." Ashley shook her head at Nina as she watched her change her dandages on FaceTime.

"I didn't pick a fight. The bitch attacked me." she rolled her eyes.

"See I'd believe that if i didnt know any better. Ain't no bitch that come from a family of the caliber of hers missing with a random person. Bitch lie to someone."

Nina frowned. "So you taking her side and you don't even know what happened "

"I kno you did something your not tell me which is fine and all. I just hope you got ya story together when Monty pull up on you." she replied.

Nina stopped cleaning the bruised area on her face. "He's occupied with Mori for the next few days so I'm off the hook for a few days."

Ashley started to tell her he actually wasn't but decided against it. Nina don't be warning her about stuff so she thought neither should she.

"Sooo you gonna tell me what you don't or nah ?" Ashley plied

"I might've been the one that fucked with her car."  she said with an uneasy tone.

"Bitch I know you lying !" Ashley damn near shouted.

"Damn bitch you all loud." Nina mugged her.

"And you all dumb," she mugged her. "You do know that's the reason he even came here in the first place? "

"I mean that was the plan." she shrugged.

Ashley couldn't do anything but shake her head at Nina. She had done a thing or two off script but Nina actions had her beat. She was literally poking a sleeping bear in more than one instance.

Alora was sure to beat her ass again if she show her again. On top of that Monty was for sure going to be pissed to find out about what she had done and Ashley wanted no parts.

"Girl you better pray." Ashley told her.

"Pray for what? That Monty ass comes to his senses already? He been dragging this shit out way to long. I'm ready to put a bullet in KD and that pretty little wife of his myself." she said putting the last few bandages on.

Nina talked a good game but Ashley knew for a fact she wouldn't have that same energy if Monty was in the same room as she. She allowed Nina to continue to rant and rave about what she was going to do to the members of the Diamond family. She knew Nina hate for that family ran deep so she let her get her frustration out with no interruptions

However she couldn't help but think why the Diamonds would kill her father. After all from what she knew about the family they were once into the murder for hire business not recklessly killing folks. If their father was murdered by Alora family it only meant someone paid a nice amount for his death.

"Ash! Ashley!" Nina called out to her.

"Y-yes," she answered. "My airpod fell out. What were you saying ?"

"Have you spoken to Monty ?" she questioned.

"Yea, yesterday but not for long he had Mari."

"So why he at my door ?" Her phone beeped indicating she had an incoming call. "Shit, he calls. Ima call you back." she huffed.

Ashley silently laughed to herself as Nina quickly disconnected the call with Ashley and answered Monty call while exiting her bathroom. "Yo Bro,"

"Yo, answer the door. I'm out front." his voice boomed through the phone.

"Gimme a second. I'm in the bathroom." she lied.

Monty disconnected the call while Nina shifted through her closet for a hoodie to cover the bruises on her arm. She brushed her hair over to the side of her face an attempt to cover the gash on her face. Once she was finished she walked to the front of the apartment opening the door for him.

"Take ya ass long enough." he huffed, entering the home.

"I told you I was in bathroom." she said as she shut the door behind him. "So what's up ? What brings you by ?"

She walked into the kitchen to keep busy so that he wouldn't get a good look at her face.

"Shit, just stopping by to check in with you before I dip out." he answered.

"Where you going ?"

"Back home, I got a few upcoming meetings that I have to be in person for," he realized how fidgety she was. It seemed like the closer he got the more she moved around. "Yo, you good?"

"Yea, why wouldn't I be?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. You normally laying around the crib not tryna clean a already clean kitchen." he chuckled.

She went to walk past him but he grabbed her arm. Something was off, she didn't hug him when he came in then she was pr avoiding eye contact. She tried to pull away but his grip was to tight.

"Ayo what's u- Ayo what the fuck happened to ya face." he asked with a concern tone.

"Nothing Monty."

"Nina, that ain't nothing . You got bruises all over ya face, you popped a blood vessel," he peeled back one of the bandages. "Yo this gash needs stitches not this bullshit."

Monty lightskin complexion begin turning red as he examining her face. "Who the fuck were you fighting?"

"Nobody Monty. I fell down the steps a few day ago."

Monty chuckled. "Let me remind you that your not the only younger sister I have. I know when shit gets physical." He told her. "Now answer my damn question." he yelled.

"Okay, I'll admit I got into a fight a couple nights ago but it's fine. I'm fine." she tried to assure him.

"You fine? Nina you need a doctor to check you out. You look fucking terrible." he frowned. "Who were you fighting anyway ?"

"Some girl at the bar," she answered

"So you fought a random bitch in the club and that it ? You just letting it go ?" he questioned not buying what she was telling him.

Nina wasn't the to let shit go especially a fight that left her in her current state. However she couldn't tell Monty the random girl was in fact his baby mama. She'd have to reveal that she had been the one stalking and missing with her car which would put her in deep shit.

"Trust, the another person looked worse than me," she forced a chuckle. "So when do you leave?" she asked trying to change the subject.

Monty starred at her, he didn't believe a word she said but he also didn't have proof she was lying either. He didn't have the time to sit around and question her so he let it go for now.

"I'm send a on call doctor over to check you out. But some time this week. I haven't decided." He told her not wanting her to know exactly when he was leaving.

He rather leave and come back without Nina or Ashley knowing because they were both sneaky. Aside from Monty returning cause someone messing with Alora he also came so that the two of them wouldn't make a move without him.

Monty was moving at his own pace when it came to taking out the KD and T. Unlike Nina, he needed to vet every possible reason before hand. His father wasn't a good man so maybe he deserved death. However if he didn't Monty didn't have a problem pulling the trigger on those responsible.


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too short right ? I know this was more of a filler chapter.

Remember the nore votes and comments, the faster updates 🙃.

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