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"Nique... Ari... Trina, bring y'all asses on now! Y'all been getting ready for the last two hours." Alora shouted, walking down the hallway towards the stairs.

"I'm ready." Trina said, stepping out of the guest room she occupied following behind Alora.

"We ready and at the door!" Nique spoke for the both herself and Ari. Nique made sure she was dressed and ready by the time given by their parents because they wouldn't hear the end of it if they were late.

"Awe cousin you look pretty," Alora gloated over Nique as she walked down the stairs. Nique was growing into herself, she resembled rubi rose.

"The women of my family really are some bad bitches!" Morgan chimed in, standing by the kitchen doorway stuffing her face.

"Bad bitches?" Alora repeated, making sure she heard Morgan correctly. "Shawty gotta damn potty mouth." Ariana cut her eyes at her.

Nique palmed Morgans forehead. "Watch ya damn mouth! But thanks boo!"

Alora giggled, "The car here but I'm on ya ass later," she pointed at Morgan. "Food in the kitchen if y'all get hungry. Do not let boys stay up past 11:30, no snacks after 10, call if ANYTHING goes wrong, okay?"

Morgan nodded. "Oh my goddd, I got this. It's not my first round babysitting these bay bay kids. Go  ahead and enjoy ya night. I got this !" Morgan said with confidence as she pushed them out of the door.

"I love that girl but Ima kick her ass one day." she said, walking towards the car. "Hey Frank!" Alora greeted her driver with a hug.

"Hey Mu, you ladies look beautiful," he complimented.

One by one he helped the ladies climbed into the SUV. "Thanks," they replied in unison once comfortably inside.

Frank shut the door then jogged around to the passenger side. Once he was inside he pulled out of the driveway and towards the destination for the night. The ride was smooth, the ladies laughed and joked around like old time. This was a relief given last week Alora was stressed and depressed missing her child terribly. Now she was smiling with good spirits preparing to have a wonder night with her family.

After about thirty minutes the car came to a stop, shortly after the back passenger door open. "Ouuu my baby looking good!" Amir admired Trina, helping her from the car. He did the same for Alora, Ariana and Nique.

"Yall finna get cursed out," Nique laughed, eyeing the boys feet. Everyone had on a pair of white forces instead of dress shoes to compliment the look.

"Iont know what it is but love the suit and forces look," Alora said, entering Romes space. She fixed the collar of his jacket then pecked his lips. "You look good luv,"

"You look even better baby," he licked his lips, staring down on her.

"I think it's time to go in before these two make a baby out here." Ariana joked. Rome and Alora had the type of connection that those around could feel. You saw the love in Romes eyes when he stared at her. Alora damn near melted in his presence.

Safir laughed, pulling the restaurant door open for everyone to enter. The host swiftly greeted them then lead the group to a private room at the back of the establishment. The rest of the family was already sittef awaiting their arrival, even a special guest.

"I'm tripping or you see what I see?" Alora lent over, whispering to Ariana while they walked towards the table. She nodded while giggle, "Chilleee yes!"

Alora shook her head. "Hey my beautiful family!" she greeted everyone, give each person a quick hug on her way to her seat.

Nique entered the space immediately stopping in her tracks. "Vin, w-why are you here?" she asked nervously, her eyes bounced around the room in search of her father.

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