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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Monty!" a voice angrily shouted through the house followed by the slam of the front door. Mari ran right into the person causing him to fall back on his butt, looking up at the person Mari said. "Mom Mom!" he lifted himself back to his feet with the help of Laura.

"Mari," she hugged him tightly. She hadn't seen her grandchild in months, and although Alora probably hated her guts she loved her grandson deeply. "What you doing with daddy?" she asked. After everything that had happened over last few months she doubted Alora had willingly allowed Monty to get Mari.

"Ma ona va-vavaca?" he said more like a question unsure how to pronounce the word correctly. "Alora on vacation?" she clarified.

Mari nodded. "Daddy said," his head drop down and he began to pout. "Mom mom I want bubba."

Laura could see the sadness in her grandchild face, if the lie Mari told her didn't alert her Mari whole mood did. He was usually full of life; laughing, smiling playing around the house. The only time Mari wasn't being hyperactive was if he was tired and given it was only noon that couldn't be so. "Let me talk to your father about that then maybe we can get some ice cream, okay?" she reasoned.

"Yes !" he said excitedly running towards the stairs.

Once Mari was upstairs and out of sight she went on a hunt for Monty. "Montell Laurence Smith !" She shouted again, peeping into the living room. Empty. Why are you yelling Ma?" he said, walking towards her from the kitchen.

A very angry Laura charged at her son, smacking him across the face. Monty stared back at his mother with the most confused expression, he didn't understand where her aggression was coming from.  "Why can't you fucking listen?" she gritted through her teeth, pointing at his chest. "I warned you but do you take hed to my warning ? Of course you don't." WHAP! she striked him again. "Do you not like living? Please tell me." she raised her hand to strike him again but this time he caught it.

"Ma, I love you but I am not about to be ya punching bag," he told her. "Your rambling on and on like I understand anything you talking about."

"I guess you rather be someone target practice then!" she retorted. "You kidnapped Amari!?!" her tone was low but it was demanding.

"Mom, I didn't kidnap him. Hes my son." He scoffed.

"Monty you have no custody of him. In the eyes of the law Mari should not be in ya care without his legal guardian consent." Laura said. "You could have a warrant out for ya arrest for this shit."

Monty head jerked back in disbelief. He knew Alora would never willing partake in anything involving the police. She had hate for them like he never seen before. "Missing person? Warrant ? Alora would never do no shit like that. And again if she or her family was going to do anything it would've been done Ma."

Laura couldn't help but shake her head at her sons ignorance. Alora nor her family could do nothing and Monty's life could still be at risk. Laura knew even if her family didn't come after Monty they could easily put a price on his head. Aloras family reach was long, they were capable of things one thought could only happen in movies.

Laura experienced it first hand, thanks to K and KD she wasn't even so much as a suspect in her own husbands death. Normally the spouse was the first person the police investigated but not in her case. Like she did, Alora would have a field day at Monty's funeral; the endless crocodile tears, the dramatic scenes of her falling all over his lifeless body shouting for God to take too. Laura deserved an Oscar for her performance knowing full well she was happy Doug was in the ground. Alora would soon have that same satisfaction.

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