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(Don't be a ghost reader)


Alora entered her parents penthouse suite. She roamed around the extremely large space before the smell of food directed her to the kitchen.

"Mommy !" Mari jumped down from Niques lap and darted toward her.

She picked him up, giving him a tight hug. "I miss you papa."

"Miss you mommy." he pulled away, then kissed her cheek.

"We spend the day together right?" she asked taking a seat at the island counter. Mari nodded. "Yes! wid Niq Niq, too."

"I take it Nique his new favorite?" She asked her mother.

"Maybe favorite cousin but nobody tops Rome. He ain't want nothing to do with her ass when he came through." Mama K chuckled as she chopped up fruit.

Alora took a few pieces popping them in her mouth. "Where Dess?"

"In the one of them damn bedrooms, probably smoking."

"My typa language." she got up from her seat, replacing Mari in it. "Finish eating, I'll be back." she kissed him.

Alora went to walk towards the bedroom but her mother voice stopped her. "Mhm Ms.Lady, how you doing ?" K cutting came to a haut as she looked over at Alora.

On the outside Alora seemed fine to her but one thing she knew about her daughter was her ability to mask her true feelings.

She shrugged. "I'm good ma and tell dad stop worrying." she told her walking backwards down the hallway.

She followed the loud sound of a tv and weed aroma
to a room at the end of the hallway. Without knocking she entered. "Yo fuckers." she greeted them.

Rome and Dess were sitting on the couch playing the play station 5 while Mook laid across the bed. "Sup cousin, you good ?" Dess asked.

Alora sucked her teeth. "Man I really wish y'all stop asking me that shit. It's been three days since the shit happened. I'm fine! Y'all don't see me in a corner rocking back and forth do you."

"Wait, what happened?" Rome asked, looking confused.

Alora let out a frustrated sigh. She hadn't told Safir nor Rome about anything that had occurred over the last few day. She gave everyone clear instructions not to tell them anything until after the tattoo convention. She wanted them to focus on their business not her situation.

Alora silence made him paused the game, he sat the controller on the arm of the couch before getting up and walking over to her.

He cupped her chin with right hand bringing her face to his eye level. He looked into her reddish glassy like eyes. "Sweets, I asked you a question." he said softly.

"I caught my first two bodies Monday." she mumbled .

Rome just stared at her, then glanced over at Dess and Mook for confirmation. "Yup, it happened my guy." Dess confirmed.

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