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"Papa, your doing so good." Alora clapped cheering Mari on from the sidelines.

"See Ma... See," he said floating on his back showing off his new moves. The instructor, Kayla stood right beside him observing his every movement.

"Amari, now kick ya feet and back stroke ya arms like we practice last time." she instructed.

He hesitated for a moment then did as told. His stroke started off a bit sloppy at first but after a few tries in the right direction he got the stroke down pact. Alora smiled hard watching Mari, he loved to swim and with each lesson he got better.

"You got it. Now treading water to mommy."

Mari switched from floating on his back to treading water moving towards the side of the pool where Alora sat.

"Ro Ro," he shouted in excitement. Alora turned around, looking in the direction Mari was looking to see Rome walking towards them.

"Hey Mari, I see you can swim better than me." he smiled at him.

"I teach you." Mari said.

"Your going to teach him." Alora corrected him.

"Yea, dat," he held on to the side of the pool kicking his feet underneath him.

"Mari, finish ya session and I'll see you when your done. Kay ?" Rome said.

Mari nodded, then kicked off the wall and swam back over to his instructor. Rome sat beside Alora who didn't pay him any mind. He had been ignoring her since their steamy night and now she was turning the same energy.

"So you not gonna speak?" Rome asked. Alora didn't reply, she continued to look out at the Mari in the pool. "Alora," no reply. "Keep ignoring me and ya ass gonna be right in that pool with Mari."

Alora looked over him and rolled her eyes. Damn he look good. "Nigga what you want ? You ignore me but I can't ignore you ?" she titled her head to the side waiting for his reply.

He leaned licking his lips, making sure not to remove his eyes from her. "That was days ago. It's a new day."

"Nah that's not how that works. What was ya issue?"

"Leave it alone. I ain't sweating that- No more." Alora said cutting him off. "You don't get to pick and choose when you feel like fucking with me Roman."

He scrunched his face up causing visible lines to show on his forehead. "Alora get fucked up in here."

"Nah nigga you don't get fucked up in here." her fingers bounced off his forehead.

He chuckled, swatting her hand away. "Man I ain't come here for you to put ya hands on me."

"Ask me if I give a fuck,"

"You really be singing a different tune when I'm balling ya little ass up." he smirked.

Before she could respond Mari ran over to them. "Ma, KK say done."

" okay, go rinse off and get dressed. I'll be waiting for you at the front."

"Okay Ma," he kissed her cheek then turned to Rome. "Come wif me."

"Of course." Rome rises up from the chair grabbed ahold of Mari hand.

Alora smiled to herself watching Rome and Mari walk towards the locker room. She disliked Rome to the fullest, at that moment but she loved how he was with Mari. He consistently was showing her how much she fucked up when she got pregnant by Monty. She didn't regret her son but she did wish Rome was his father sometimes. She grabbed her purse then exit the pool area

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