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"Why you all up under my sister?" Amir playfully pushed Amir off of Alora but his arms were latched around her neck so he didn't go far.

"My mommy!" he jerked at Amir. "Go head somewhere mamas boy." he laughed.

"Now when him and the three musketeers fuck you up don't say shit." Ariana warned him.

Alora laughed. "Exactly, he gonna be screaming for someone to peel them kids off his ass. Leave my baby alone." she mushed him in the head.

Alora didn't mind Amari clinginess, she missed her son and wanted nothing more than to smother him with love. He made it ten times easier for her to do so because all he wanted was Alora.

After Rome brought him home he played with his cousins for a little before dinner but been up under Alora since.

"Mari, Major you guys want desert?" Mama K asked, from the doorway of the patio. He hesitated to answer, glancing at Alora then back at K. "It's ya favorite, peach cobbler and ice cream."

He instantly hopped down from Alora lap, taking off in Mama K direction. "Ice cream ice cream!" he chanted.

Mari and Mama K disappeared into the house. "Finally," Dom huffed pulling a few prerolls from his bag passing one to Amir and Alora. Dom and Amir had originally came out on the patio to smoke but with Mari outside they couldn't.

"How it feel to have baby boy back ?" Dom asked, firing up his L.

Alora lite her L before responding. "A fucking relief. I can sleep better knowing he home now."

"You have Rome and Mecca to thank for that." KD said stepping out onto the patio with a glass of his favorite cognac in hand.

"I still don't know how Meccca even linked up with y'all but I'm happy he did." Alora replied. She didn't feel the need to ask questions when them linking was brought to her attention. Mecca had connections and resources just like her family, the more the merrier was the way she saw it.

"Mecca recognized the house Mari was being kept at, The Lake House or something like that." Amir said.

"the lake house, the lake house," she repeated until it became familiar in her head. "Pops please tell me you had a doctor check him... that house was not safe to live in." she said , slightly panicking.

Ariana placed her hand over Aloras shaking leg. "Mecca also gave them the run down of the house. That was the first thing Rome did when he got Mari. Relax sis."

Alora head swung around to Ariana. "Bald headed Heffa you knew!" she popped Ariana forehead with the palm of her hand. "I knew it ya ass knew something, talking bout "Safir ain't tell me nothing." she mocked her.

"Technically he didn't tell me anything. Carter did." she giggled. "And I didn't think it would've been smart to tell you anything when the guys were making a move. You know how this shit goes; everything don't always go as planned." Ariana took Aloras hand into hers. "You've been through a lot and we know how much you've miss Mari but I couldn't get ya hopes up only for Mari to not to walk that door tonight sis."

Alora nodded. "I understand. I'm beyond thankful for you guys," she held her arms out. "Bring it in bring it in." Everyone moved in close, wrapping their arms around one another. "Diamonds are forever."

"Diamonds are forever." they repeated breaking away.

Although Mari was safe and at home she couldn't help but shake the feeling that her family troubles were far from over. Alora said a silent prayer hoping God heard her pleads and protects her family. She damn near lost her mind in her sons absence, losing a family member would take her out. She glanced around the patio at each of her family member. Everyone surrounding her held a special place in her heart.

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