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A Week Later

We did some shit that we was never 'posed to do. If I ain't put you down, you still wouldn't have a clue. They say you get around, so what to me, you new. Just know I'm down for whatever you wanna do

Rome rapped along to the words of Lil Baby song Perfect Timing as he cruised through his old neighborhood. He glanced out the window of his Durango at a few young boys playing ball against some old heads. He snicker to himself remembering back when he and Safir would hustle the old heads out of their paper during the summer growing up.

He no longer resided in the neighborhood but that didn't stop him from coming by and checking in with his folks that did. Most people left the hood and never came back but not Rome. His neighborhood made him into the person he was today. He got a lot of love and support whenever he visited, no matter how much money he had the hood was home to him.

He pulled up to his Grandmother house, Mama Liz or Gmom to almost everyone that lived around the way. Mama LIZ was the neighborhood grandmother; she was known to fed, clothed and sometimes house children that came from bad backgrounds. She was such a staple to the community she couldn't imagine leaving her neighborhood. Everyone in the community loved and respect her so she didn't feel the need to up and leave. In her words "she ain't running from nothing"'.

For years KD and Redz tried to move her from the hood but she wouldn't. After awhile they gave in and had her home expanded by purchasing the home next to hers and combining them. She lived in the hood but that didn't mean her home couldn't feel like she didn't.

"Mama!" Rome called out for Mama Liz as he entered her home. She was Mama Liz to most but just plain Momma to Rome since she had raised him.

"Entertainment room," he heard her voice call back.

He walked deeper into the home until he reached the room she was in. He stood in the entrance starring at her without saying a word. Feeling his presence she looked over at him. "Don't be just standing there. Come give me hug." she told him, holding her arms up and out.

He bent down giving her small frame a hug before taking a sit on the long part of the sectional. "How you been ma?"

Her eyes followed him. "I been good baby. How you doing ? Ya look good. You hungry ? I got some pot roast cooking it should be done soon."

His grandmother always tried to fed you. Even if you didn't eat in her home you were sure taking a plate home with a homemade beverage.

Rome laid his head back on the couch cushion."You can make me a to go plate but I'm straight, came by to check on you. What's been going on around here ? "

"Let me see ya crazy ass cousin running around here getting on my nerves." Rome laughed. She paused, trying to think of anything new. "Oh Kiesha stopped by last week."

Rome smile turned into a frown at the mention of his biological mothers name. They had an estranged relationship all of his life. "The heck she want?"

"The hell if I know. She asked about you and ya dad .. talked to Morgan then left. You know iont really like her ass so I keeps our conversations short and straight to the point."

He chuckled only imagining the cold shoulder his grandma had given his biological mother. He didn't understand why she kept popping up especially now; he nor his father wanted anything to do with her.  However Romes family tolerated her because technically she was Romes mother even she never lifted a finger to actually help provide or raise him.

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