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May 12th

It had been a few days since the royal rumble at the Diamond Estate. Monty erupt decision to pop up at her parents house didn't surprise her at all. She knew it was only a matter of of time before he came. However what did surprise her was Safir reaction to his short visit.

She expected a reaction like that from Amir not Safir. Amir was the impulsive one while Safir didn't make a move without reasoning. Monty and him rarely exchange words which made Alora think; the only common denominator the two shared is her meaning Safir knew more than he let on and she was going to find out what.

Alora pulled up to Wild Ink, her intentions were to check on Safir but also try to find out what exactly did he know. She parked her car in the shops lot right beside Romes car. She silently prayed he was to busy with a customer to notice she was there as she exited her car going into the shop.

"Hey boo." she greeted Trina with a hug.

"Hey Missy." she replied with a smirk.

Alora chuckled, already knowing what type time she was on. The two had grown close in a short amount of time and one thing Trina always did was bid wether it was on a person or a situation Alora stayed laughing with her.

"Uh huh, I'm not bidding with you today." she laughed, waving her off going into the back.

"Wait wait," she yelled after Alora, making her stop and turn around. "Do you do it?"

Alora bust out laughing. "Bye Trina,"

After goofing around with a few of the artist Alora made her way to Safirs office. She knocked twice then entered.

"I didn't say come in."

"You and Rome say the same shit." She chuckled. "I ain't say come in." she mocked them flopping down on his couch.

He chuckled. "What brings you by Mu?"

She shrugged. "Nothing really, just checking on you. Why you here ? Didn't Mom said no tattooing for a week."

While fighting Monty Safir got cut in two different places; stomach and side which resulted in Mama K having to giving him stitches and putting him on limited duty at the shop.

"I'm not, I'm on the books for the week mother dearest." he chuckled.

She nodded. "That's good, How ya feeling? Are ya stitches fine?" she asked, concerned.

She felt bad he was injured on her account, this was something she was trying to avoid all along. The last few days she had been doing everything to help him from changing his bandages, stopping by his house with food even though he wasn't badly injured and could do thing on his own. She just felt bad.

Safir looked over at Alora. "Mu I find it funny how your whole world could be falling down around you yet your still concern for others."

Tilting her head to the side, she frowned. "Mhm your my brother why wouldn't I be concerned for ya well-being,"

"We can cut the bullshit. Tell me what's up" he said.

He was growing tired of knowing but not saying anything. He plan was to stay quiet and allow Alora
to confine in him or their father but it was proven that wasn't happening.

Alora begin to get this uneasy feeling in her gut. Safir definitely knew more than he said, she could feel it."I-I don't know what your talking about." she stuttered,

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