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After a quick shower and a wardrobe change, Alora and Rome were ready for the beach. She stood in front of the mirror for a minute, admiring herself. "Damn, you look good, girl," she gloated, twisting and turning to check out her figure.

"You sure do," Rome agreed, licking his lips from the doorway. Alora giggled, watching his reflection in the mirror. "Uh huh, don't start. We don't have time for another shower and shit."

Rome chuckled, walking up behind her. "I could fuck you all day, but I'm cool... self-control and all that bullshit." He pecked her cheek.

Alora playfully rolled her eyes, knowing he was telling the truth. "Nigga, let's go."

"Wait a minute," he said, pulling his phone out and snapping a few pictures of them together. "Now we can go."

Alora chuckled as they exited the room. "Don't be like Ari's ass and take forever to send me those damn pictures, either."

"I'ma post 'em, so you can steal 'em from my page," he shrugged nonchalantly as he followed her.

"Niggas," she muttered, shaking her head.

Rome and Alora stepped out of her room, making their way through the house. Footsteps and laughter echoed softly throughout the halls as they departed.

"It's not that bad out," Alora stated, referring to the heat as they stepped into the back of the house. Pulling her shades from her beach bag, she placed them on her face.

"If it was, I'd be taking my black ass right back inside. With all these bathrooms, I'd make the kids an indoor beach," he joked, but was dead serious. Rome didn't like extreme heat; he was a fall baby.

Alora burst out laughing, nudging his arm. "You so damn ghetto, yo!"

"RoRo!" Major and Mari shouted, waving from the shoreline as the two walked down towards the beach.

"So, Rome's the only person y'all see?" Alora poked her bottom lip out, pouting playfully.

Mari tossed the ball down and ran over to Alora with his arms out, ready to embrace her. "Mommy, don't be sad... you can play too!"

Alora giggled, bending over and scooping Mari into her arms. "I'm okay, baby. Mommy's just playing. You and Major can play with Uncle Safi and Ro." She hugged him tight before placing him on his feet.

"Now, why you raise my man's blood pressure?" Safir chuckled, tossing a ball in the air.

"Hush! I was playing." Alora giggled. Mari did not play about his mama, and it showed.

"Ouu, Mommy, play with us!"

"Actually, yeah," Rome nodded. "Boys versus girls."

Alora glanced behind her at the ladies sitting under the shade. "Ari, Shant, y'all tryna play, or y'all sunbathing?"

Shant leaned forward, attempting to block the sun from shining on her face. "Haven't played since college, so I may be rusty."

"Let's go! Me and my guys are ready!" Safir said, getting everyone into position to start the match.

The makeshift volleyball net was set up, and the sand felt warm beneath their feet. Shant, Ari, and Alora stood on one side, facing Rome, Safir, Thalik, and Mari on the other.

Ari took the serve, her stance firm as she prepared to hit the ball. "Here we go, ladies," she called out, her voice full of excitement.

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