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April 19th | 9:00am

Rome pulled up to his and Safir shop Wild Ink an hour before opening as always. After parking he grabbed his belongs then exited the car hitting lock button as he walked towards the shop door.

The gate of the shop was already up meaning someone else had opened up early. He entered looking around, he saw the Trina the receptionist at the front where she spent most of her time.

Trina's position in the shop was crucial. She wasn't the typical receptionist. In addition to booking appointments she took on the role of handling inventory, shops appearance, promotions and social media influences and so much more. She made sure the business ran smooth wether Rome and Safir was in the building or not.

Trina was the mother of the shop as everyone like to call her though she was younger than some of the artist. Rome had a total of three other tattoo artist in the shop not including him and Safir; it's was Rick, Malik, Spider. She kept the artist in line when it came to punctuality and professionalism. All the artist were a reflection of the Wild Ink brand.

"Good Morning T," Rome greeted her with a hug. "I got ya something." He handed her a platter and ice coffee .

"Morning... where this from ? Papa Breakfast around the corner?" she questioned lifting the the lid to get a glance at the food.

"Nah Alora made it."

Trina smirked. "Alora ? Rome what were you doing at her crib early enough to get breakfast?"

He chuckled. "It ain't even like that. I stay the night cause Mari wouldn't let me leave. She made breakfast for the house in the morning." he shrugged as if it was no big thing but it was.

Rome made his way towards his office, Trina followed behind him not being done with their conversation.

"Awe i love how you got a little bond with her son." she cooed. "Mona know you stayed ?" she raised her eyebrow, knowing if she knew Mona would through a fit.

"No, ain't gotta inform her of my every move."

Trina rested her hand on her hips, tilting her head to the side. "Is she not ya chick ?"

"Man i dont know." he shrugged. "She broke up with me a few weeks ago but then we started fucking around again but she told Alora she was my chick.

Trina jerked her head back, a bit shocked. "Alora mat Mona ? i dont know why i aint see that coming."she chuckled, shaking her head.

"Mona introduced herself or some shit i dont know. It weird if you ask me. She know who Alora is to me so it was uncalled for." he said, taking a seat behind his desk.

Trina nodded in agreement. Mona once again was moving like an immature child. Its was no reason for her to do that unless Rome initiated it. Trina knew she was being messy and that was only the beginning .

"Hear me and hear me clear," she moved her finger as she spoke. Rome looked up giving her his attention "Do not lead Mona already delusional ass on if you know damn well that aint where you wanna be. Tell her what is and what it ain't. Dont get caught up tryna play both side now."

Rome nodded, taking in Trina mini lecture. This why he fucked with her she more than his employee she was like his sister. She gave him good advice and was the only other female that could keep him in check beside Alora.

"I hear you sis." he told her. " Now whats up with things on the business side? Safir told me about the Walkin Wednesday idea you had." he switched the conversation to business.

"Oh yea so its all in the name: clients come sign in they dont have to stay , Ill reach out 30 minutes before their slot. No pieces longer than an hour, hundred dollar minimum. Every other Wednedday," she explained.

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