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(Don't be a ghost reader)

West Philadelphia
1:00 pm

Alora sat in the backseat of her 2022 Kia Telluride Sport while Chuck sat in the driver seat. He slow rolled down the busy street until pulling into an empty parking spot across from a salon. She rolled the window down a quarter of the way, glancing out. "You sure this the spot ?"

Chuck nodded. "Yup, she come here to get her nails done."

Without another word she grabbed her purse from beside her and exited the car. Chuck hopped out and jogging around the car to catch up with her. She didn't bother telling him stay in the car because it wasn't like he'd listen anyway.

Upon entry she was greeted by the receptionist. "Hello , Welcome to Nola Styles . How can i help you ?"

"You can't but Nina can. Is she here ?" Alora replied with a smile.

"Yes ! Follow me right this way." the upbeat woman said as she came from behind the desk and begin walking towards the back. Alora followed the lady to a room in the back of the shop. "Right there." the woman pointed Nina out.

Alora smiled slipping the lady a hundred dollar bill before making her way towards Nina. The closer she got the better view she got of Nina's friend, Ashley.

"Birds of a feather flock together huh." Alora said loud enough for both to hear. Nina and Ashley both glanced over their shoulder wanting to see who was speaking to them. "You have mistress Ashley and daughter of a mistress."

"Bitch, you don't know shit about my mother." Nina shot up in Alora direction but Ashley pulled her back down.

"Oh but I do. Your mom's literally was fucking on a married man which makes her a side bitch and mistress... one of many really," she chuckled, remembering the stories Monty had told her in the past of his fathers many mistresses. "But that's not what I'm here for." she grabbed a chair, twirled it around so that she could sit on it frontward.

"So what are you her for ?" Nina asked, voice full with attitude. Alora Diamond was sitting right before her and she couldn't do a thing. She didn't have a direct beef with her but she hated that family as a whole.

"You. You seem to have a beef with me.. well my family really. What is it that you said that night," she snapped her fingers, trying to recall Nina's exact words. "We think we invisible until we get touched. As if you gonna touch us which only made me think. How the fuck would little you touch a family like mine ? And I couldn't come up with an answer beside your one person with maybe a few bodies backing you."

As Alora spoke she watched their body language for triggers. Her mother always told her body language and facial queues could tell a story, as always her mother was correct. When Alora mentioned her family Nina looked unfazed but Ashley had an shook expression that she tried to play off with a sneeze. When she mentioned Nina not being alone, Ashley eyes shifted to Nina as she fiddled with her fingers.

"I said what I said and I meant that shit." Nina replied.

"Are you sure you wanna take it there?" Alora asked.

This was her way of allowing Nina to backtrack, apologize something but she didn't waver an ounce. She almost gained Alora respect for standing up for herself, most would've tried to end the issue. However Nina wanted to keep it going, and the fact the Alora stepped to her as if she'd call a truce angered her more.

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