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Rome pulled into Aloras and Ariana driveway. He didn't see either of their cars parked but he knew Alora was home since he just spoke to her not to ago. After he parked his car and removed the keys from the ignition he grabbed the bag of food from the passenger seat and exited the car locking his door behind him. 

Instead of ringing the doorbell he walked around to the back of the house where Alora was sure to be. The California room in her house had became her favorite spot to be whenever she was home. Sure enough she was sitting on the couch blunt in one hand and wine glass in other watching tv. 

"Damn you couldn't wait for me to roll up ?" Rome said walking closer to her.

"I'm sure you smoked after being around Kiesha ass," she held the blunt out for him. "What she want anyway ?"

Rome placed the bag of food on the table in front of them then flopped down beside her. "I don't know. She was talking a bunch of bullshit I wasn't trying to answer." he inhaled the blunt, holding the smoke in the a minute before exhaling. "Its like she wants me to be happy she be coming around now but I could really give fuck about shawty for real. She been dead to me for so long I don't know ." he shrugged. "I don't know."

Alora moved away from to him a little bit. "Lean back."

He rested his head on her lap continuing to smoke while she begin taking out his hair as he vented. Alora didn't say a word, she just listened allowing him to get whatever was on his mind out. 

When it came to his mother; he had nothing but hatred for the lady. Alora understood where it came from and she agreed wholeheartedly with Rome. Kiesha was coward of a woman. Anyone who heard the story of how she did Rome as a baby would say those exact words. 

"Want another one ?" she asked referring to the blunt that was burning low.

He shook his head. He had already blew through 4 blunts in the last two hours. Rome knew he needed to slow down. "Nah, I'm good."

Alora nodded, firing up another blunt for he self. "Can I say something ?" he nodded, letting her know to go ahead. "You have to forgive her."

He quickly sat up, starring at Alora like she was crazy. "You want me to do what ?"

"I really wished Redz would've put a bullet in her head the second time she came back but here we are," she shrugged. "But on the real you have to forgive her ...for yourself not for her. I'ma tell you like I used to tell Ari its not about her its about you. All that hatred you got built up against her isn't good. Wether you knows it or not she has a hold on you she controls ya moods, how are you everything."

He laid his head back on her lap, his eye roamed the ceiling. "How do you forgive a person who left you in the hospital as a new born baby ? She didn't even give motherhood a chance Sweets. I have no respect for a person like that."

After the birth of Baby Roman Keisha left him in the hospital and disappeared from his life until he was five. Her abandoning him at the hospital was a shock to everyone since Redz, Rome father had just proposed to her weeks before. No once could say what triggered her to leave her newborn baby and fiancé behind.

There were rumors that she had a secret family elsewhere but no proof was ever brought forward. Redz had people searching state to state looking for her but they always came back with nothing. When she left it was as if she vanished off the face of the earth. But when she returned she'd acted as if she didn't just miss years of her childs life. 

"You said she controls how I am.. explain." he asked curious to know.  As far as he was concerned Keisha had nothing to do with the man he is today. 

She took a deep puff of her blunt before she spoke, "This is only in observation but the woman you pick. You have mommy issues"

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