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(Don't be a ghost reader)

"Man, yall sure this bitch back in the city? We been watching this house all fucking day with no movement." Amir complained.

"JD says she been back a few days now," Mook replied, glancing out the window. "Calm ya nerves niggas."

"Y'all know damn well putting Amir ass on a steak out was a bad idea. The nigga impatient as hell." Rome chuckled.

"Nah, I'm bout that action. Y'all can keep recon bullshit." he huffed, scanning their surroundings.

"I say gave it another hour then we out. JD can get send someone else to watch for the bitch." Mook said.

"Agreed." Rome and Amir said in unison.

The car became quite again as they kept watch for Laura to show her face. They had been sitting in her neighborhood almost all day waiting. Rome refused to leave without her but the bitch was taking all day to return home. He was growing impatient like Amir but for different reasons. It's been a week and they weren't any closer to bringing Mari home. Rome just knew when he got his hands on Monty it was up for him. The longer Mari was away the more he felt like he failed him. He knew Mari didn't fuck with his father whenever he'd call Mari would push the phone away, Alora had to convince him just to say hi sometimes.

Rome didn't realize how attached he was to Mari until now. This past week haven't been the same without Mari. He usually spent Sundays with him at the Diamond Estate, take him to school Monday morning. On Wednesday he'd attend Maris karate class, then after Mari would end up spending the night with him. And some Thursdays he let Mari skip school to have a fun day. Alora would always curse him out for it but he didn't care. If Mari said he didn't wanna go he wasn't going. Nowadays his schedule revolved around being present for Mari but with him gone Rome felt empty.

"Action!" Amir said with excitement pointing over at a car pulling into Laura driveway. He began gearing up; putting on his gloves, pulling down his mask to cover his face. "Nigga calm ya nipples! We gotta make sure it's her first." Mook said watching the car closely.

After a few minutes of sitting in the car Laura emerged from the driver side, making her way towards her front door. Amir and Rome sprung into action, hopping out of the van and jogging towards her. Distracted by her phone call, Laura didn't realize the two figures coming towards her until it was to late.

"Ms.Smith," Amir attempted to make his voice sound girly. The moment she turned around Rome strike her with the butt his gun. Amir caught her body before it hit the ground. "Damn this bitch heavier than she looks." he said, lifting her body over his shoulder.

"Ma... Ma," a voice yelled from the other side of the phone. While Amir carried Laura body to the van, Rome picked up the phone placing it a few inches his his ears. "Ma! I know you hear me." Ciera

"Tell Monty Mari for Laura. He got 24 hours." Rome disconnected the call then destroyed the phone.

"Nigga come on!" Mook called out the window in a low tone but loud enough for Rome to hear. He turned on his feet making his way back to the van. "What happened to I don't hit women?" Mook asked when Rome got into the van. He nodded his head back to a knocked out Laura. "I didn't lay a finger on the bitch. My gun knocked her ass out." he replied, nonchalantly.

"Mir, text JD and let him know it's done." Rome instructed.


Amari tossed and turned in bed unable to get comfortable in this unknown bed. He hadn't gotten a good nights rest since his third day in the house. At first he was excited to be in the home; it was a house he and Alora was supposed to move into a few months before she moved back home. Mari loved the house because it had a lake a couple acres behind the house. If things didn't abruptly change in the last year she would've purchased the house for her and her son.

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