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One Month Later

Ariana stood in the driveway of the home her and Alora now shared. The renovations on the house had been completed about a week ago and today was move in day. They had spent the last week funiture shopping and cleaning the house preparing it for today.

There were a total of three trucks parked along the curb filled with their belongings, out of the three trucks only one was completely empty and they were working on the second. The fellas along with a few movers KD hired been moving furniture and box's from the truck into house since ten a.m this morning. It was only one thirty so this was a little progress.

"Everything has a sticky on where it goes. Do not put it in the living room if it does not go there," Ariana said when she noticed a mover placing Mari bed in the Living room. He quickly picked it up and begin walking upstairs.

"How about ya ass grab a box or something." Amir said carrying in a piece of furniture with Safir.

"How bout no," she smirked

"Arriiii," she heard her name being called from inside the house.

"Saved by the bell." she chuckled, jogging into the house. "Yessss!" she called out.

"In the kitchen Heffa,"  Alora replied. Ariana followed her voice to the kitchen. She stopped in the door way. "You gotta sign this paperwork for the house."

She scrunched her face up, confused. "You own it, what I'm signing for ?"

"To change the Deed, it's your home now so I'm adding ya name. You have ownership over it just as much as I do." she explained.

"Awe, thank you so much." Ariana launch into Aloras direction wrapping her arms around her and kissing her cheeks.

She was thankful for Alora, even as kids she would always go out of way to make sure Ariana was straight. As many know Alora comes from a decent family and money while Ariana didn't. But as her bestfriend Alora nor her family never allowed her feel as she didn't.

The Diamonds basically unofficially adopted Ariana. Mama K saw a good kid who happened to be born into a terrible situation. Alora parents spoiled and taught her the game just as they did their own children.

Alora pushed Ariana face away from hers, frowning. "Ew, don't be kissing me like you don't be out here giving neck." she roughly wiped Ariana's kisses away.

She chuckled. "It's been like a week. You good sis."

"Ewwwww," Alora frowned. She was all for a chick pleasing her man but she did not want to know about her the brothers sex life. That was just to much information.

"Grow up ho," she stuck her tongue out at her which resulted in Alora giving her the finger.

"Y'all know y'all childish as hell right ?" Malik said, entering the kitchen going straight for the fridge.

"We don't care." they said in unison.

"Ayo didn't y'all just move in ? Y'all fridge on full." Malik said searching the fridge for something to drink.

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