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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Next Day
8:00 am

Rome woke up next to a sleeping Alora, her body was curled up beside him as her head laid on his chest. He just laid there for awhile, enjoy the soft snores coming from her even though she swore she didn't. It was unclear if he'd be able to have her like this so he was soaking up the moment.

The two stayed up until two a.m just talking about anything; from good to bad, personal to business and even their past to present. It was a long overdue conversation and much need on both ends.

Last night Rome poured his heart out to Alora in hopes that she would reconsider however she felt about him. For once he listened to understand not to respond and he made sure not to get defensive when she expressed certain things. After they talked it was clear Alora did love him but he didn't know if it was enough to stop her from moving on.

Rome climbed out of bed then made his way to the bathroom where he handled his morning hygiene and took a shower. When he was finished he through on some joggers and a polo tee he had in Aloras closet before making his way to Mari room. Safir was already in his room getting him dressed.

"Ro Ro!" Mari hopped off the bed and ran toward him. Rome caught him and threw him in the air. Mari giggled loudly, making Rome stop. "Hushhh, you gonna woke ya mom up." he said placing his finger to his lips which made Mari laugh even more

Safir watched Rome and Mari interact with one another. In a perfect world Rome could've been Mari pops and Alora his wife but that would've been to much like right.

"You really so silly dawg." Safir laughed at him. "Mama made breakfast go eat," he instructed.

Mari ran out the room, calling for Mama K. "Ayo what's up with ya folks ? They staying in town?"

Safir nodded. "Yup, supposedly until the end of the year... at least that's the estimate Pops gave me."

Rome sucked his teeth. "Man dealing with five Diamonds is enough, half the family is to damn much."

Safir laughed. "Nigga five? It's only me, Mir and Alora you probably interact with everyday."

"Yea and Alora ass like three of y'all put together."

They begin walking out of Maris room towards the kitchen. "I'm telling her you said that shit too."

"I'll tell her bipolar ass my damn self." he shrugged.

"Thalik and Mari, y'all ready for the field trip today?" Mama K asked, placing their drinks beside them.

"Yeessss!" they shouted.

"Ain't you chaperoning Rome?" she asked.

"Yup, only kids in familiar with like Lik, Mari, Ny niece."

"Awe check you out on step pop duties." Zahir joked. "Malik going too?"

"Yea, but he meeting us out there. He had a early morning tattoo session."

"Where Alora?" KD asked walking into the kitchen.

"Still in bed." Rome answered.

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