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"Alora I know you ain't banging on my door like you the fucking cops." Monty shouted, jogging down the stairs and towards the front door. He swing open the door without checking the peephole.

"Nina," he said, shocked at her presence. "Why the fuck you banging on the door you like the police ?"

"Is that the way you greet your little sister?" she said giving him a devilishly grin entering his home. He went to shut the door but a hand stopped it pushing the door back open.

"Ashley?" he looked between his ex girlfriend and his little sister. "What the fuck yall doing here?" he questioned.

"Rude much ?" Ashley replied scrunching her face up.

"Iont have time fo the games Alora should be showing up any minute now. Nina, I told you I'll link with when i don't got my son.  What are yall doing here ? "

Ashley rolled her eyes, slightly irritated . "It's always Alora this Alora that. Nigga you left that girl for dead a few months ago."

Nina giggled. "Ouu, where is Mari ? Can I meet him ?" she tried to walk past the living room in search of Mari but Monty stopped her.

"Mhm no, nobody knows you exist and Mari is really talkative. I don't need him telling his moms then she telling my family." he lied.

"Ugh okay," she pouted, flopping down on the couch.

He looked between Nina and Ashley again. "Soo nobody gonna answer my question ?"

"You in town but aint hit nobody up. Whats up with that? What happened to give me a few more months Ash?" she mocked him. "When is this shit with them Diamonds going to be over ?" she shouted in his face.

Monty checked the stairs before responding. "First watch ya fucking tone, my son sleeping."

"Yea, the son you were never supposed to have in first fucking place or did you forget that part." she retorted, folding her arms across her chest.

Monty wrapped his hands around her neck and pushed her against the door with force. "Ashley, I ain't have to fuck you up in awhile so maybe I need to remind you who the fuck i am." he spat in her face. "I don't care what I was or wasn't suppose to do. My son is here and it ain't shit you can do about that but respect it. Got it ?"

The energy Ashley had moments ago was gone and tears were sliding down her face while she gasped for air. "C-ca-cant b-br-breathe." she struggled to say as she tried to pull his hands from around her neck.

"Let her go Monty. You should be having that energy towards them Diamonds not her." Nina spoke up.

He turned his head in Nina direction. If looks could kill she'd be dead. "Nina mind ya fucking business" he said through his teeth.

She through her hand up in surrender. "I tried." she mouthed to Ashley, who was still in Monty tight grip.

She knew to shut up and sit quiet when Monty got in one of his rages. Ashley was always overstepping her boundaries and Monty had to put her in her place here and there. Nina didn't understand how Monty got himself involved with a girl like Ashley in the first place, she was loud, hardheaded and didn't have much class. She had just enough to wheel a man like Monty in, Nina knew none times outta ten it was the sex that kept him coming back because she wasn't a good look for the type of business he was involved in.

"I-I'm s-sorry." she managed to say. Monty let her throat go, she fell to the ground coughing hysterically once she was able to breathe again.

"See thanks to that dumb ass move you pulled giving my assistant Lora business address and not yours this gonna take longer than expected."

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