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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Outside the house

"Nigga you must got a death." KD spat, eyeing the strange figure that scrolled onto his folks property.

He chuckled. "Death wish ? Nah I'm looking for my son. I heard he was looking for me." the guy replied.

"Nick it's been over eleven years laters and now you wanna show face?" Redz questioned, removing the gun from his waistline and sitting it on the table.

Uncle T knew this wasn't going to end well. KD had been after Nick for years but it seemed just when he almost had him he'd get away and now he had walked himself onto Redz property as if nothing had ever happen. The nigga definitely had a death wish.

"Redz, you've always been the hot head. I'm surprised ya ass still alive." he stated sarcastically.

"Unlike ya bitch ass I ain't on the run from nobody." he shrugged sipping his corona.

In the mist of Redz and Nick going back and forth nobody noticed Safir, Rome and Amir entering the lot. As expected Safir removed his gun from his waistline pointing it at the back of his head. "Nigga you must got a death wish." Safir said.

The two men Nick come with removed their guns aiming it at Safir. Amir and Rome waisted no time removing their pointing it at the other two gun.

"Fuck you thought this was." Rome huffed.

Nick chuckled, slightly unfazed. "Like father like son huh."

Safir head jerked back as he mugged Nick. "Nigga I ain't no kin of you! You left me for dead after killing my moms. Fuck you forgot!?" he shouted, taking the safety of the gun.

"Oh I'm not talking about me." he gave a devilish grin.

his response left Safir speechless, he didn't know what Nick meant by that. KD frowned quite confused himself but didn't give it much attention. "You know you wanted in a body bag right? Fuck you show up talking in riddles for? Last words ?"

"What the fuck is going on today." K mumbled to herself as she entered the lot. She fired her gun in Nicks direction just missing him to gain his attention. "Nick, are you fucking kidding me ? You wanna die ?"

He smiled at her. "If it isn't the beautiful and ruthless K. How you been ?"

"Nick, skip the pleasantries. Explain why we shouldn't light ya ass up already?"

He glanced over at KD. "Damn she still a feisty one... But I thought I stop in since y'all son here been looking for me... KD been looking for me."

Nick had been on the run since he took Safirs mother life. He traveled from state to state, even left the states in hopes of KD not finding him but it was short lived, KD was always a few steps behind him. He knew the only way he ever be able to live in peace is end it all or take KD life and he wasn't ready to go just yet.

"K, how does it feel to raise ya husband first born son." he asked.

"What the fuck is you talking about?" Safir huffed.

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