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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Last Day in LA
4:00 pm

The bell on the door dinged indicating someone walked through the door. Trina didn't pay it much mind since she was currently busy with another customer plus Alora was present helping out for the day.

"Welcome to Wild Ink Pop -." Alora voice trailed off which made Trina look up. "Moana, you just can't take a hint." Alora scoffed.

"I need to speak with Rome." she said ignoring Alora .

Trina quickly finished up with the customer then addressed Mona. "About ? You can leave a message with us." Trina told her.

"Or actually hit his line... that is if your not blocked."Alora giggled.

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Look I didn't come here for ya bullshit. Tell Rome get at me. It urgent."

"Mona if it's so urgent why you can't just say it ? If ain't that urgent if you beating around the bush about it. You know either way we gonna find out right?" Trina pointed between her and Alora.

Mona thought about it for a moment but still decided against telling them. She wanted to speak with Rome directly. "If Rome wants to know have him hit my line... his friends life depends on it."

His friends life depends on it. Repeated in Alora head. She didn't like Mona's tone, it was almost as if it was a threat. Did Mona had to have a death wish saying some shit like that to her. Rome didn't have friends he had family which was her family.

Alora leaped from her chair in Mona direction. Before Trina or Mona could react Alora hands gripped tightly around her neck. Alora had to remind her that threats were never something she nor her family took lightly.

"You must be fucking dumb." Alora gritted through her teeth. "I don't care what information you think you may have for him watch ya fucking self. You can be here today and gone tomorrow. Remember that shit." Alora whispered to her before letting her go.

Mona coughed profusely trying to catch her breath. She glanced up at Alora who was glaring down at her. She had this crazy look in her eyes, a look she she was all to familiar with. It reminded her of the time Amir had that same look in his eyes after damn near beating a guy to death with his bare hands and another time when she witnessed Rome shoot someone protecting her. She had the look of a killer.

She just like them. Mona couldn't help but think everything Nick and Ashley told her was a lie. Alora wasn't as soft as people painted her out to be. She was lowkey more vicious than her brothers. Most people knew exactly what Safir and Amir were capable of but with Alora it was a different story. You didn't know what to expect with her which made Mona uncomfortable.

"Mona, I think you should go." Trina told her as she glanced around the corner at the guest in the waiting area. She didn't want the customers to get wind of situation unfolding in the front.

She started to say something but stopped herself. She really didn't come to start anything, only to speak with Rome. She was in over her head and she knew it. Instead of fighting Trina advice she exited the building. She silently hoped that they relayed the message because both Romes and Safir life depended on it.

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