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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Wild Ink
3:30 pm

"T, what time you locking up ?" Rome asked, gathering his belongings from his station placing them in his LV backpack.

"Uhhh probably around eight. Spiders last appointment is around seven but they getting something simple so I'm leaving after that." she answered.

"You know you don't have to stay for that, right?"

"Yea, but people be booking until closing. I'm trying to stop taking work home and actually enjoy my off time." she said.

Trina was always taken work home. The shop business hours were ten a.m to 8 pm but Trina would be responding to emails inquiries til late in the night. It was easy for her to fall into her job because she liked it.

"I understand but you can still leave if you want." He told her, giving her a side hug before walking towards the door.

Trina wasn't a typical 9-5 employee and Rome didn't require her to be on site at all times either. As long as stencils were made and the shop was stocked with everyone equipment he didn't mind her leaving early or working for home.

"I know, give ya kid a hug for me." she replied behind him.

Rome laughed as he exited the shop. He found the dad jokes funny even though Alora hated them. If only he had shot up the club a month sooner he would be.

He stopped in tracks at the sight of Mona leaning up against his car. He sucked his teeth. "Man what do you want?"

She titled her head to side as if he owned her a different reaction. "Really? After I warned you of trouble this the thanks I get ?"

Rome frowned. "Warned me of trouble? You can't warn me of shit. You fucked with me long enough to know I'm never lacking especially in a different city. You ain't doing me no favors Mona. I got eyes and ears everywhere Ma." he said.

The trip to LA was business but Rome and Safir already knew there was a possibility that Nick may try to make a move against them. They no longer had the home advantage which Nick was counting on. But he didn't factor in the girls smuggling weapons into the club that night.

"Well my bad for still caring about you." she pouted, crossing her arms under her chest, purposely punching her boobs up.

Rome laughed, unfazed by her antics. "That's all you wanted? I got places to be."

"Damn so that Alora bitch really got ya ass gone like everyone say she does, huh." she rolled her eyes.

"Man what ? You saying anything out ya mouth at this point. Alora has nothing to do with us so keep her name out ya mothafucking mouth." He pointed his finger in her face.

Rome stared at her for a moment before readjusting his backpack on his shoulder and walking around her to the driver side of his car. He opened the driver side door then tossed his bag in the passenger seat. "Ayo, Mona." he called out to her. She stopped in tracks, making her way back towards him. "Huh?"

"Iont know how to ask this so I'ma just say it," he shrugged. "Did you aborted my baby?"

He had been meaning to ask her when Mama Liz said something about fishes awhile ago. Rome may have fucked a lot of bitches in his past but he was selective with who he hit raw. He knew about Aloras miscarriage so it only left Mona to be one who had an abortion.

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