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(Don't be a ghost reader)

Skating Rink
2:30 pm

Alora pulled into the parking lot of High Roller Skating Ring where she was meeting with her family. The lot was kind of packed so it took her a minute to find parking.

"Mari you up?" Alora asked looking through her rear view mirror at Mari.

"I sleepy!" he whined. She put the key back in the ignition. "Okay we can go home and you can see Lik and Major another time."

"I up I up!" he wiggled in his car seat. Alora laugh, reaching back to unbuckle him. "I thought you were sleepy."

"I not no more." he said, shaking him head. "I'm up mommy." he wiggling from the straps of his car seat.

Alora chuckled, grabbing her Kurt Geiger bag placed it over her head laying it on her sideways. She got out of the car making way around to the passenger side.

"Ma I have icey?" Mari asked when she opened his door. "It's may I have an icey and yes you may." she corrected him.

Mari often talked to fast which resulted in him missing a word or two. At almost three Mari was pretty advanced with his education. It's was his speech that tripped him up sometimes.

Alora grabbed his hand, letting him jump from the car. She shut and locked the door before making their way towards to entrance of the building.

Safir crept up behind Mari, attempting to snatch him from Alora grip but Alora already saw him a few cars back. "You really wanna die on this beautiful Thursday?" she asked bringing a blade to his neck.

Instead of gripping Mari up like he planned he let go, hold his arms in a surrender gesture. "No warning, just straight ending niggas, huh?" he chuckled.

She removed to blade from his neck. "Mhm behind my son it's getting real deadly. No questions asked!"

"Yea! Really deadly!" Mari repeated, jerking at Safir causing them to laugh.

"I told ya ass don't do it." Ariana laughed, shaking her head. "You know damn well her reflexes on a bean."

"Lil nigga move around before I stuff you in my trunk." He said, jerking back.

"I tell RoRo and Zah on you." he swung on Safir then ran behind Ariana, attempting to hide.

Ariana laughed, pushing Safir away as he tried to get to Mari. "Ayo let my baby alone."

"RoRo !" Mari called out, raising his arms to be picked up when he saw Rome walking towards them. Rome did a light jog, getting to them faster. "Mari."

"Ya Pops can't save you lil nigga." Safir jerked at him. "Safir!" Alora scrunched her face up as she popped his arm.

"Sis listen at some point you gonna have to sit him down and say "ya real pops a bitch so this ya new pops"."

Rome snickered to keep from laughing. Alora could tell from Safirs facial expression he was dead serious. "Ari get ya nigga."

"Me? I have no control what comes out of that man mouth." She laughed, opening the door for everyone. "Just what goes in goes in it, huh?" Alora shot back.

"Ayoooo, y'all gotta chill." Rome said holding the door as everyone walked through.

"Leek ! Major!" Mari called out after his cousins. They were skating by as they entered.

"Mar Mar!" Major said, basically walking towards them. He wore a pair of toddler skates which didn't roll as freely as the other skates did.

"Where yall Aunt and nem at?" Alora asked. Leek pointed to some tables near the food court. "Over there, come on I'll show you." Leek told her.

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