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The soft glow of morning light peeked through the curtains. Alora's peaceful sleep was disrupted by the realization that Mari's petite figure had been replaced by Morgan, quietly occupied on her MacBook beside her.

She shifted to face her "Well, good morning to you," Alora greeted, catching Morgan off guard,

She responded with a soft smile and a casual "Morning Mu."

Rolling out of bed, Alora embarked on her morning routine – a leisurely stroll to the bathroom, followed by the familiar rituals of washing her face, brushing her teeth and freshening up before returning to the warmth of her bed.

Curiosity struck, Alora questioned Morgan's presence, "What brings you to my room ?"

Morgan gasped dramatically, "I can't come in here ?"

"Girl bye! You've been confined to that arcade room since we got here! Barely wanted to join us at the beach."

"Mu, we literally in a house that's sitting a few miles from the beach. I could walk down there for real." she argued. Morgan was so antisocial she rather go to the beach by the house opposed to the crowded island beach .

Amused, Alora fluffed her pillow, ready to settle back in, "You know what, you got it!"

"Before you get all comfortable I have to show you what I found," she continued to type away on her MacBook.

Alora side-eyed Morgan, unsure of what she had for her. "Girl who you done hacked now? Didn't Redz revoke ya access?"

After in incident occurred at school with Morgan hacking the school system changing grades for a fee Redz had put her skills on ice. Although the school didn't catch her, Mama Liz did she still received a light punishment.

Morgan laughed, "I promised Uncle Redz I'll only hack in life or death situations. I just did a little facebook and instagram research on ya little brother in law."

She turned the laptop around, giving Alora a view of the screen. Romes little brother Instagram page on one side and Kieshas a.k.a Tiffany Grant Facebook page on the other. Alora eyes focused in on the little boy; he was Roman 2.0. It was no denying they shared the same bloodline.

"What you learn about him?" Alora questioned, scrolling analyzing each picture. Most of his pictures had something to do with football either he was on the field or in the gym. He had very few pictures of him without his uniform. Many with a man Alora figured was his father but not one with Kiesha insight.

"Well as you can see he an athlete at Desoto High Texas , football captain. Name Marco . He's smart, skipped eighth grade will be a senior next school year graduating at 17," she paused. "What if he found out about Rome and wants answers?"

"Very possible," Alora agreed. "You can tell from his page Kiesha absent a lot."

Alora viewed a video of the young man at his junior prom. He cleaned up nicely and the ladies were on him, bad. "My god, he definitely Romes little brother."

"And Redz son." Morgan added.

Alora head tilted to the side, in shock again. "Wait what now? I thought you didn't hack."

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