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May 1st | 1 pm

"Mari don't go to far now." Alora shouted after her son, who was running around in the grass.

"Let him run, if someone take him they gonna return his ass right back. Trust me ain't nobody tryna lose their life behind that one." Mama K said, sipping her wine.

Alora laughed knowing her mother was serious, she was just as bad as her father. Unlike most woman who dated men in the street Mama K wasn't no rookie when it came to bussing her gun.

At only eleven, her father taught her how to shoot. He was a military man which meant weekly meant gun and combat training. He needed his only child to be able to protect herself at all time; something she instilled into her own children.

"oh my god, it feels so good out." Alora squealed as she laid out on the blanket, catching the warm breeze. The weather was prefect; sun shining but not to much with a little breeze came here and there.

"Where the girls at ?" Mama K asked, looking around.

Alora checked her phone, looking for an update on their location. "Mhm Brit is looking for parking and Ari—Hey yall," Ariana cut her off, waving as she walked towards them.

"My mom literally just spoke you up." Alora chuckled, reaching up for a hug.

"Mo and Brit just parked they should coming too," she informed them. "I'm glad we can all link up today. It's wayyyy over due," Ariana said, removing her shoes then taking a sit on the blanket.

Since Alora return home she kept herself busy between her new love for real estate, mommy duties and keeping her hair business afloat. She often did not have much time for her favorite people which didn't sit right with her.

Among other reasons for her return, she had hoped to spend more time with her friends but everyone was busy within their own life. Monica owns a daycare, Ariana an RN and Brittany an Physical Therapist. They talked often but that wasn't nearly the same as being around one another.

While everyone had a break from their work she put together a nice picnic on Kelly Drive.

"Hey Mama K.. Ari..Alora," Mo greeted them as she gave each a hug. "It looks so pretty," she pointed to the layout of foods and drinks laid out.  It consist of everyones favorite wine, shrimp, fruit, wings, macaroni salad, and juice boxs and cucumber sandwiches for Amari.

"Who the hell eat cucumber sandwiches." Brit frowned.

Alora chuckled. "Mari, Monty mom used to make them for him all the time."

"Ya grandmother use to make me tomato and cucumber sandwiches when i was a kid. They're actually good as long as the vegetable is fresh."

Brittany shook her head, tooting her lip up. "Yea see no ."

"I'm with Britt, Mari can keep his little cucumber sandwiches. Mo put some chicken, shrimp and macaroni salad on my plate." Ari said, handing her a plate.

"Mo, where you get this Celine bag from ? I likkee," Mama K gloated, examining the bag.

"Thank you and I'm not sure it was a gift." she smiled.

"Malik brought it." Alora revealed. Mo eyes widen in shock. The two had only started talking about a month ago. Mo decided to keep it under wraps since things weren't serious yet.

Mama K look back and forth between Mo and Alora. "As in my nephew?"

A smirk appeared across her face as she nodded. "Yup."

"What up with yall wanting the Diamond men ? I'm not seeing the hype." Alora frowned, thinking for a moment. "Wait, who am I kidding the men in my family are really THAT!" she laughed.

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