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April 29th | 1:30 pm

"Nigga, why you ain't been answering ya phone?" Mona shouted the moment Rome opened his door, entering his home she continued. "I've been by here the last few days where the fuck you been?" she waved her fingers in his face.

"Well hello to you too. Yes, come in." he said sarcastically pushing the door shut and locking it.

Mona huffed, irritated with his sarcasm. She folded her arms across her chest, shifting her weight to one leg. "Nigga I'm not playing with you."

"I'm not playing either. You showing up at my crib loud and rowdy like I don't have neighbors." he frowned. "You know Iont even play that shit."

"Like well answer my calls and we wouldn't be going through this." she shrugged.

He chuckled. "That's not how this works. You broke up with me, remember ?" he questioned. "You lost ya privileges to do pop ups and make demands when you ended our relationship!"

She scrunched her face up. "What ? We always break up and get back together. You know I'm not going anywhere baby." she replied.

"Iont know shit," he shrugged. "You did leave that party with a nigga, right?"

The color practically drained from her face. Here she was thinking she was being discreet that night only for it to backfire in her face. Mona didn't have to reply, her reaction to his claim was confirmation enough.

Rome chuckled. "Cat got ya tongue or something?"

"He just gave me a ride home. Erica wanted to stay and I was ready to leave." she told him.

The bitch must take me for some type of fool he thought.

"So he took you home?" He questioned, giving her the side eye.

Taking a step forward, she reached out to touch his face only for him to push it away. "But I went to ya crib and you weren't there. Erica was but you weren't."

Once again Mona couldn't respond because she was caught red handed. And instead of telling the truth she dug herself into a deeper hole.

"It don't matter, we not even together." she retorted, thinking it would've made an good argument but the moment those words left her mouth she instantly regret it.

He threw his hands up in surrender gesture, "Your absolutely right."  he said.

"I did- what's that sound?" she cut herself off after hearing a noise. "You got a bitch in here." she snapped her neck in his direction.

Rome frowned in confusion. "Mmcht man what?"

Mona ignored him, following the sound to his bedroom. "Mona don't be walking through my shit." He yelled, following behind her.

"Nigga please," she stood in his room waiting for the sound to occur again.

"Mona, ya ass just-" he was cut off by the sound. "What the fuck is that ?" He mumbled to himself.

Rome begin to follow the sound until it lead him to his walk in closet. Amari iPad sat on the floor and someone was blowing him up.

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