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May 9th | 5pm

Alora entered Itty Bitty Cuties Academy, Monica's daycare. She had opened the center about two years in hopes of helping with early childhood development. Education was important to Monica and most parents didn't realize teaching them young would benefit them later in life.

Aside from Monica being Alora friend she loved everything the daycare stood for. She loved that each child was able to identify letters, numbers and colors by age three. It wasn't just another daycare babysitting your kid, the staff at the center were educators not babysitters.

She greeting the receptionist. "Hey Ms.T, pick up for Amari Diamond." Alora said .

"Gimme one second, the kids are out back." she replied, getting up from the desk and walking towards the back.

"Take ya time." Alora said as she took a sit in the waiting area for parents.

Due to Covid no parents were allowed past the main entrance of the daycare as a safety precaution. She flipped threw a magazine that sat on a table in front of her as she wait for Mari to be brung out. After a few minutes the doors to the back opened causing her to look up, Monica held the door open as Mari ran towards Alora in excitement.

"Mommy Mommy," he reached up for a hug, in return she bent down and wrapped her arms around his little body.

"Hey baby." she said before turning her attention to Monica. "Hey girl." Alora greeted her with a hug.

"Hey boo," she hugged her back. "Listen sis I wanted to holla at you about something that's why I brung Amari out." she told her, a little bit uneasy.

Alora noticed, becoming a bit concerned. "What's wrong Mo ?"

"First does Amari has another Aunt?"she asked

Alora frowned. "What you mean?"

"I mean other than us and his dad sister," she paused, trying to gather her words. "Today when we went for a walk this girl tried to walk up to Amari. When I pushed her back before she could get to him she said that's her nephew."

Alora scrunched her face up. "Monty only has one sister that I know of and she in Atlanta. I don't know who this could be honestly." she said trying to think who the person could've been.

"I just wanted to let you know. I started to beat her ass but I had to remember I'm on the clock." she let out a chuckle, wanting to lighten the mood.

Alora laughed. "I know that's right. You don't just walk up on people kids, that's strange though," she frowned. "Thanks for telling me sis. I'm definitely gonna look into that."

"Okay, just wanted to make you aware that's all. I'll hit you hit and see tomorrow Mari." Mo waved at him.

"I appreciate that. See ya."

She grabbed Amari hand then exited the daycare. She put him in his car seat before jogging around to the driver side.

"Ma Ma." Mari called, clapping his hands to get her attention.

She laughed. "Little boy I told you stop doing that I hear you."

When someone didn't answer Amari fast enough he'd clap his at you until he got an answer. Alora didn't like that because he never gave you enough time to actually respond before clapping in ya face.

"RoRo, RoRo." he chanted, making Alora roll her eyes.

"How about no Ro Ro and we get ice cream." she tried to bribe him. She rather not be around Rome if she didn't need to be.

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