Part 108: Pain

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Sebastian's POV:

"Sebastian, sweetheart, step outside for a moment and ignore anything you hear in the next few minutes. Understood?" Ciel stares daggers through my soul, grimacing in pain as he digs his fingernails into his palms.

"I refuse to leave you like thi-"

"OUT. That is an order." The emblem on my hand tugs my body in the direction of the door, as hard as I may try I am still incapable of resisting the drag of the contract. Slamming the door behind me, I am forced to wait for his next command.


The crashing of objects flying around our bedroom rings in my ears. Flinching for the first time in decades at the sound as his grunting turns to shrieks. Hurling object after object, tearing anything in his reach. I can only imagine the damage it must have done. The mess I must clean.

That is when the room goes eerily silent. Not even a whisper or a breath to be heard.

Eliza rushes down the stairs onto our floor, seemingly alarmed by the earlier noise. "Dad, what's going on? Is everyone safe?"

"Everything is fine darling, your Mother is in labour and we'd prefer if you stayed away for a little while. Do you mind keeping Aster occupied for me? I'll come up to see you if the child is born before bedtime. If not, I'll still come up to tuck you in."

She recovers quickly from her previous alarmed demeanour, nodding assuredly. Most likely loving the responsibility. "Okay, I hope everything goes smoothly. See you later." She grants me a quick hug before heading back upstairs to her brother. Leaving me to ponder what is going on in the room behind me.

Abruptly, the door opens to reveal a remarkably spotless bedroom but a very frustrated Ciel.

"Get this thing out of me already." He requests in full seriousness, glaring at me with darkened eyes. His hair, wild and unruly. His clothes covered in claw shaped tears.

"Did you tear up the room and put everything back together again?"

His dead silence tells me everything I need to hear as I bring him over the threshold of the room to hug. "Thank you, but in your current predicament, I wouldn't have cared how much mess I had to clean. I would've done it with a smile."

"I don't care. It wanted to destroy and then clean it up." His tone is flat, as though the pain is preventing him from expressing anything bar the bare minimum he possibly could.

"Is it unbearable, dear?"

He simply nods through gritted teeth. His claws digging into my back. "Is there anything I can do for you? I could bring you whatever you wish."

"Please just take the fucking pain away."

"All I can do is take the edge off, there are little to no medications that are safe for use in pregnancy but pain medication affects our bodies differently, so I sincerely doubt it will cause serious harm."

"I am begging you to fucking get them so I can't please get some sleep...please. It's been six hours and I can't take it anymore." His eyes fill with tears that he quickly wipes away in an attempt to conceal it.

That's all it took for me to speed through the manor, leaving a mess in my wake as I reach the medicine cabinet in the servant's quarters, racing to get back to my love with every fiber of my being.

My false heart racing as I reach his now crumpled figure. The seal covering up the agony he was experiencing now broken. Quickly, I prepare the dosage and pray to a power that no longer exists that it may work. Gently, spooning the liquid into his mouth to swallow.

As Time Goes On - A SebaCiel StoryWhere stories live. Discover now