Chapter 5: Daydreaming

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The fire crackles as the snow begins to fall outside. Sebastian swiftly shuts the heavy curtains to keep the heat within the room before taking his leave. Allowing me some time to myself, for once, I have an hour to relax before I must attend a meeting within the Funtom Company headquarters.

I will be forced to venture into the cold outdoors. Needless to say that I'm dreading the experience already.

"Must I attend this meeting? It's far too cold outside to travel."

"My Lord, you can't keep avoiding going outside simply because of your health. Especially because I asked the tailor to create an incredibly warm, padded fur coat on top of your usual heavy duty winter wardrobe. You will be able to go outside without too much trouble."

"That doesn't help that the cold triggers my asthma Sebastian."

"We are only going in and out of the carriage. I have thick blankets waiting for you in the carriage and I promise that upon our return I will run a warm bath."

"...Fine but I'm still not happy about it."

"You never are, my Lord." He chuckles lightly, head tilted in a teasing manner as he looks down at me.

"Oi! I'll have you know that happiness is not elusive to me. I simply don't show it."

"You certainly don't. The last time you smiled genuinely it was accidental. Can you not smile now?"

"I can, I just don't want to."

"Would you smile if I brought you hot chocolate?"

"Keep talking, I may become interested." Extortion is a hobby that I very much like to utilise.

"What about if I add chocolate cake into the equation?" I'm surprised he didn't withdraw his offer.

"I do believe we have a deal." I may have smiled just at the suggestion of cake but I like to make him work for it. It is becoming easier to smile the more I do it. It's becoming more natural to me when Sebastian is around. I still have trouble smiling around others though. I wonder why that is.

He leaves the room chuckling and certainly doesn't leave me for very long. Returning within the next five minutes with a tray filled with hot chocolate and a slice of chocolate cake garnished with a cherry on top.

"Now will you smile, my Lord?"

I have an idea...

"Only if... you call me Ciel." His eyes widen slightly in surprise, although he tries to hide it just as quickly as he showed it.

"Of course my l-...Ciel." In all these years he has never uttered my name, however the way it rolls off of his tongue makes it seem as though he's said it all his life. A smile sweeps across my lips as I avert my eyes, unable to meet his gaze. Feeling the blood rushing to my cheeks. This feeling is far more complex than simple embarrassment.

"Ahh see, isn't that better?"

"Yes it is Sebastian, will you please make a habit of using my name more often when we're alone."

"I was planning to before you gave me permission, Ciel."

As Time Goes On - A SebaCiel StoryWhere stories live. Discover now