Chapter 86: Exploration

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Ciel's POV

I see everything so clearly with the mirror between my legs and yet I cannot comprehend what I am looking at.

"That's supposed to look like that?"

"Yes, they really do look that way."

"It looks like ruffles-"

"What you're pointing at is the clitoral hood, that part of your anatomy is exactly why you're not sitting on my lap right now." I examine it carefully, droplets of water splashing onto it's reflective surface as I bend my knees to get a better look.

"It cannot be that sensitive."

"Trust me Ciel, it's incredibly sensitive."

"You're exaggerating."

"I can prove it."

"Fine, prove it. I bet you're wrong." His smirk tells me otherwise as he pulls me onto his thighs, spreading my legs apart as he allows my head to rest on his comfortable shoulder. He stares deeply into my eyes as his hand submerges into the water.

I jolt as soon as sleek fingers brush that small area, quaking as they move back and forth and back and forth. Blood flowing to new exciting places as I let out a satisfied sigh, acknowledging such strong defeat.

"Y-You win." Is all I manage to say as my hips press down on his fingers, increasing the intensity of the pressure. He's playing me like a fiddle and I love it.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No-!" I say embarrassingly quick, heat rushing into this unexplored area as muscles begin to strongly contract, leaving me with strong and hungry moans for more.

That's when he decides to speed it up.

The muscles contract faster and faster and faster until it feels like I'm going to piss myself, but finding a sweeter release awaiting me.

All I could do was sigh, letting the tension leave my lungs. Finding that I was holding a breath I never knew I held. Opening eyes I never knew were closed to find the smiling face of the man who holds me so tenderly gazing back.

"Do you believe me now?"

"One hundred percent but...did I-...did I piss on you?"

"No, why are you asking?" His confusion is comical as he tries to understand the randomness of such a question.

"Because while it was doing it's thing...uhm I felt the urge to pee-"

"Oh no that's just how orgasms feel from there. The blood pressure builds to a breaking point and you release the built up tension."

"So I came from...there?"

"In a large quantity, yes."

"You say that like you're incredibly proud of yourself."

"I'm proud that I can give you exactly what you want from me. I feel incredibly blessed to see that pretty little face tense up ever so slightly when you're so close you can almost burst. I'm honoured to have such an ability." His hands shift to give me time to recover grabbing me by the waist ever so gently, warm arms pressed against warm skin.

"Am I really so satisfying?"

"It brings me more satisfaction to see you satisfied and sated than if you were to focus on me." I allow myself the simple pleasure of rolling onto my side, a hand of his sliding down my thigh to gently hold my knees to his abdomen. Giving me the joy of simply relaxing in the gentle moment, feeling his eyes so carefully grace me with their gaze.


This moment is perfect.

There is no other description, it simply cannot be done. No words could replace it, nor add to it.

Lizzy's POV

I awaken to the soft brush of morning light dancing along porcelain skin. Eyes opening to find the chest of another so very close, my hand placed on the man's smooth waist as the birds outside the open window chirp beautifully at the beginning of the new day.

I dare myself to look, knowing in my heart it to be true. Green eyes meet green as butterflies flutter around within me. Tousled blonde hair, an adorable smile and phantom kisses mark his skin in the most gorgeous of ways. Red lipstick on his jaw, his neck, his chest and...and I won't dare to look down just yet.

"Good morning sunshine." The silk voice of the love of my life rings through me like the melodies of a church choir.

"Good morning, I assume you slept quite well."

"I've never dreamt better. Holding you is like the finest teddy in existence, not to mention you smell of a blooming rose. Blossoming and flourishing every second. I never thought you could be more beautiful and yet...well Lizzy, I was stunned when your bodice slid to the ground. You showed me what true beauty is." Blood rushes to my cheeks, growing warmer and warmer until I realise the obvious. Our skin is touching.

Breasts against his chest, abdomen to abdomen, as close as two truly can be.

That thought only makes it so much harder to stay calm.

"You're a real charmer Finny, truly. Last night I...I honestly couldn't find a single thing that I didn't adore about you. I still can't. Your brand is simply a reminder of how strong you have become, mentally of course. We both know the extent of your physical strength now, don't we~?"

"We certainly do. Although I have a question for you."


"Can we do it again?"

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