Chapter 30: Champagne

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Champagne kisses, chocolate dreams and rose petal romance introduces me to the morning light.

My mesmerising demon wrapped in my embrace. The fiancé I chose. The person I want. The man I desire most in the world.

And the memories of that beautiful night fresh in my mind. As my lover greets me, oh so sweetly in my ear. "Good morning, my Ciel." Leaving a kiss on my temple, he continues, "I assume that you had a good sleep?"

"The best sleep I've ever had."

"I'm glad, you didn't even mutter or twitch once."

"Really? That hasn't happened since I was nine years old."

"Ever since I've met you, your sleep has always been disturbed. I'm happy for you finally getting a good night's rest. You deserve it."

Maybe the intimacy that we experienced last night had something to do with it. After all, I'd never felt such tranquility till I laid bare in my lover's arms.

Perhaps it was how he acted.

He worships me, that was proved to me last night, as his lips pressed against every inch of my body. Holding me so carefully as he left bite marks in his wake. That look he gave me...that hunger for my flesh, that pure desire to embrace every single inch of me. To explore every edge and every curve. All while lusting after the moans I so desperately needed to express, which were rewarded with more and more and more.

That ravenous gaze held me captive in his kiss, and I help him captive in mine.

"Thank you my dearest, I feel the most well rested I have ever been in my entire existence."

"I hope it had something to do with me~"

"Oh it had everything to do with you~" I insist, giving him a short kiss as I try to move, a sharp pain rendering me motionless as I cling on to my lover for dear life. "Agh it really hurts!"

"I know, you stay in bed. I will get the champagne. The alcohol should help ease the pain." He answers, slowly getting up out of bed to reveal that glorious ass I had the privilege to grab.

"Admiring the view?" He teases, causing a blush to dust across my cheeks as he turns to face me, carrying the box of chocolates and two glasses in one hand and the champagne in the other.

"Absolutely." I reply as smoothly as possible as I try my hardest to sit up, the pain crippling me as I finally decide to go halfway and end up in a resting position.

Passing me the chocolates, he smiles at my attempts. Seeing how hard I'm trying. "I know it hurts now but it will get better. My dear, have these, they are yours after all." He passed me the box of chocolates as he pours my glass of champagne skilfully.

"It was worth it."

"The pain?"

"Mmhmm. It was very worth the consequences, to be intimate with you and to overcome my largest problem in life."

"And what may that be?"

"Not being able to get even closer to you."

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