Chapter 62: Flustered

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"Does it hurt you to see me this way?" A sting rips through my heart as he asks the age old question. Answering his question instantly.

"Very much so. Which is why, I'm taking you out for dinner with Lizzy and Finny tonight."

"What? How are they going to conceal their identities? Finny isn't able to look feminine enough and Lizzy is far from masculine."

"Trust me darling, I can do anything. I'm simply-"

"One hell of a butler." He bows dramatically desperately holding in his laughter as he mimics my deeper tone. Causing a little chuckle to escape me.

"Exactly. That is why I am undertaking the challenge to make tonight enjoyable for you." I gently pull out a small jewellery box, relieving it of it's contents before revealing it to my beautiful little lover, whose expression is nothing short of flabbergasted.

"Sebastian. I love it!" He proclaims as I gently pull on the string of his eyepatch, sliding the ornate rose eyepatch in it's place.

The smooth metal defining his more feminine features, my eyes drawn to his cheekbones and that one gorgeous cyan eye that gazes at me with awe

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The smooth metal defining his more feminine features, my eyes drawn to his cheekbones and that one gorgeous cyan eye that gazes at me with awe.

"It's beautiful."

"You're beautiful." He quickly tries to hide the blush forming on his cheeks but I won't allow him to conceal something so adorable from me.
My hand gently lifts my little Lord's face to meet mine, finding that he can no longer look me directly in the eye.

"Flustered, my dear?"

"Not flustered just..."


The dazzling smile that follows my question proves my theory, his eyes blessing me with his gaze as they focus on mine and mine alone.

"Entirely." His soft hands travel upwards, finding their final resting place on my chest. The tension between us begins to grow in the deafening silence as that gorgeous face draws me in. Enticing me.

Neither of us break our stance. One getting lost in the eyes of the other.

Until the sudden knocking on the door startles us, causing Ciel to almost jump out of his skin. Although, as always, his composure is impeccably quick to resolve.

"Come in." He states in his usual, confident tone. Completely composed as our children wander into the room.

"Mommy, Lizzie is having trouble with her disguise and she needs your help. Mey-Rin can't decide on what clothes she'd wear and she wants your opinion. Daddy can come too."

"Thank you Eliza, we'll be out in a second. I'll grab some jewellery."

"Okay! See you in a little while." She quickly closed the door, leaving us alone once more.

His heart begins to beat faster the moment his eyes meet mine, his anxiety growing larger and larger until he's physically shaking. Trying to control his emotions as he restrains himself, knowing that if he does, he's going to lose his control. His composure.

"You do understand that this won't go away, don't you?" His eyes soften, looking down at his feet. Incapable of looking me in the eyes. "I can make it go away, for a while."

"Sebastian, if I kiss you right now I won't be able to stop myself."

"I can. All you have to do is trust me." I outstretch my hand to him, hoping that he takes it. To which he does. Only to be pulled into a deep, feverish kiss that only a demon could resist. His whole body limp in my arms, heart racing out of control, his mind completely clouded; leaving him absolutely powerless.

And yet, if it were anyone bar me, he would remain so.

But, as it always has been, Ciel Phantomhive is the one in control. Even when he doesn't believe it himself.

As his butler, his lover and his demon, I will forever be under his control.

The moment that he finally relents, that he finally draws for desperately needed air; his hand gently presses against my cheek. As if to thank me.

"Do you need to lie down? Your breathing is incredibly ragged." All he seemed to be able to do was simply nod, his beautiful little face having gone a gorgeous shade pink. That breathtaking form stuns me somewhat, his hair sprawled around his head as I carry him onto the bed. Swearing to Satan that I won't stare at the incredibly attractive mess of a man lying in a compromising position. I keep that promise as he grabs my hand, only to bring it up to brush his lips against my knuckles. Swearing loyalty to someone he believes to be of higher status.

I could never smile as widely in this moment as I am now. His adorable attempt at affection despite his lack of air is truly enough to bring joy into my heart.

Although I must reassure my beautiful little lover of his feelings.

"Remember my Ciel, you never need to hide your desires. The longer you resist, the harder it becomes to stay away. And truly, I would love to be able to hold my betrothed on our date; I'm sure you feel the same."

"But...But what if-...what if it's inconvenient-?" He struggles to find the words, although it seems to be growing easier the longer he lays in front of me.

"It's never inconvenient for me, darling. I have all the time in the world for you. It's like our contract in a way."

"I don't see you tensing up every time your eyes linger on me-"

"I have had two years of hiding such thing. But I swear to you, that I have expressed these feelings as they occur."

"Damnit... I can't even ask if you're lying because I know you can only tell the truth! How infuriating!" His little outburst causes a chuckle as he plops a pillow onto his face.

"My apologies, I didn't know you wanted me to lie to you. And even if you did, I'd only be able to lie if you ordered it."

"Fine...I order you to lie to me."

I remove that pillow from his face, deciding to lean over his now calm form. My lips brushing against the shell of his ear as I whisper in the deeper demonic tone that he simply adores.

"You're not the most handsome man on Earth."

Author's Note: This chapter is shitty as fuck and I'm so annoyed at myself but it's a necessary step towards the end goal so I had to give you this trash heap of a chapter. I'm really sorry. This is literally the worst form of fan service and I hate myself for it

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