Chapter 65: Double Date

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"Sebastian, I want to give Elizabeth something that only I ever could." The confusion is clear as I continue to watch the young woman skip alongside her suitor. The smile so very clear on her face.

"And what would that be exactly?"

"I-I want to build an orphanage. For the children who survived their parents' demise. Not everyone can have a demon...but they can have the shelter and guidance granted by one."

"You believe that I would be a positive influence on children? Oh my dear, have you forgotten that I am drenched in sin?"

"You're amazing with children...teens? Not so much."

"Thirteen year old Ciel Phantomhive was an utter brat and you cannot blame me for calling you such behind closed doors."

"To be fair, you were incredibly patient with me."

"Of course I was, I had to be."

"You wouldn't be able to be mean to children, you don't have it in you anymore."

"Are you sure about that? Besides, you're not the best example. You killed a bunch of circus orphans."

"Technically, the servants did."

"Okay, you ordered me to burn a group of traumatised children who suffered the abuse that you have."

"They were gone. No longer human. Empty vessels. They had no demon to save them from their own psyche. You were the only one there, you were mine."

"I'm still yours, but I am also your daughter's and your son's. Mostly yours."

"I'm not very good at sharing what's mine~"

"That's because you're a spoiled brat." The demonic bastard has the gall to smirk down upon me.


"And you're a bastard." I state bluntly, successfully holding back my laughter.

"You chose to fall for a bastard."

"And you chose a brat that you used to despise. You played yourself."

"I certainly played you like a-"

"Hey, are you guys going to flirt forever or are you coming?!" Lizzie once again interrupts, with a good reason considering we've barely moved and they're already waiting outside the restaurant's entrance.

"Sorry!" Is all I reply with, as we pick up the pace. Quickly reaching the slightly amused couple, entering together to find a table reserved for us inside.

"Sebastian, did you-?"

"Yes, this establishment is rather exclusive and incredibly pricey, so I had to pull some strings." I can't help myself as I try my stretch upwards, aided by my high heels, capturing him in a blissful, brief kiss. For the very first time in the eyes of the public. For the world to bare witness to my happiness.

"This is incredible! I can't believe you pulled this off."

"You would think after all this time, she'd be used to Sebastian being capable of the most outrageous of things." Lizzie states rather bluntly, causing laughter to escape Finny. Only to comment once more.

"Sebastian, how're you going to survive not sitting beside one another during dinner? We know you can't keep your hands off each other for a moment after all~"

The teasing only causes more laughter as we sit on opposite sides of the table. Facing one another in rather plush seats, may I add.

Well, they should be, considering the fame of the establishment.

"You see Lizzie, I'm not the clingy one in this relationship."

"Like Hell you're not! You're more obviously and entirely smitten than she's ever been!"

"That's slanderous, Elizabeth. I am not 'obviously smitten."

"You swoon over her. We all see it."

"I do not!"

"I saw you watch on as she bid your children goodnight with the warmest smile I've ever seen in my life. You practically fawn over her whenever she's near."

"I don't-"

"Don't try to deny it! I see you treat her like royalty every single day, preen and pamper her as though she were the Queen herself. You think her perfect and it's beautiful but also hilarious. Especially when you try to deny it."

He stops for a moment, just staring into my eyes as though he'll find an answer within them before he finally gives in.

"Okay, fine. I do swoon over her but do you blame me?! She's perfect!"

The attention of not only our present company but also the rest of the room is placed upon me as he takes my hand in his, the smile on his face as his eyes fall upon our engagement ring fills me with his warmth. With his joy.

Though it is Lizzie's loving response that truly tips the scales as she places a hand on my shoulder.

"We know."

As Time Goes On - A SebaCiel StoryWhere stories live. Discover now