Chapter 64: Lizzy

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"Lizzie?" I ask aloud as I step out of my bedchamber for the third time, searching for the woman herself in order to leave for the carriage that awaits our arrival.

"Ciel? I'll be out in a moment, we're just having-...trouble with the corset!"

"Believe me when I say I understand your pain." I wince as the memory of that damn pink corset flashes before my eyes, causing a flicker of frustration. That is before the devilish bastard that tortured me with it takes my hand in his, only to kiss our engagement ring as I did his. The sleek, pearl-white sleeves caress my arm as I outstretch, my fingers gently brushing his cheekbone.

Eyes closed; he leans into my soft touch. As though he were one of his precious kittens he so loves to care for.

I never see them anymore. It's as though he no longer torments me with these things because I have grown to be wiser. Although emotional control isn't as easy to maintain as it was during that time.


C'est la vie~

"You're acting like a cat, Sebastian." A single eye opens in mild intrigue, deciding to interview me on my statement.

"I thought you hated cats."

"I'm on the fence...You adore them enough that...I simply don't mind them much at all. I'm obviously still severely allergic to them but I don't mind their existence and some of them are...appealing."

"Am I finally corrupting you, Phantomhive?"

"Are you sure I haven't corrupted you already?"

"This isn't corruption, more like rectitude really."

"So do you admit that dogs are adorable yet or do I need to leave you to marinate for longer?"

"I think I need more persuasion for that."

"Damn, I would love to have a dog to call my own...then again, I do have you." I tease watching as he places his hands to his heart, attempting to hide a smile as he answers in mock agony.

"My dear, you wound me!" I can't help but laugh at this silly display, watching as his resolve finally breaks as he bursts out laughing right before my eyes.

"Awe, are someone's feelings hurt? My sweet little mutt?" I gently tickle the underside of his chin, laughing at his humorously despaired expression.

"This is why you have no friends."

"I have plenty and yet you have only one. Young Master~"

"With such teasing, I fear you're no friend at all~"

"I'm so much more than a friend~" As we grow closer and closer, the door burst open, startling both of us as a rather gorgeous brunette exits the dressing room.

"Can you please stop flirting with each other for five seconds and help me with this last hook?!" Elizabeth pleads, only to have Sebastian effortlessly fasten the last hook, finally allowing her the freedom to relax.

"Well, Elizabeth. If I couldn't do both I wouldn't be-"

"Worth your salt. Yes, yes, we know!"

"It appears that I need to fashion some new catchphrases-"

"What kind of butler would you be if you couldn't do something as simple as this?" I jest, watching as the harassment of his two closest companions turns rather sour.

"Alright, this is abuse against butlers."

"Nope, just against you specifically."

"Fine. This is verbal abuse." I gently pat his shoulder in mock consolation, only to be quickly interrupted by the man of the hour opening the door to the stairway.

I watch as he smiles at us both, stopping in his tracks as soon as his eyes fall upon his gorgeous  partner. Frozen in place.

I don't blame him.

She truly is a sight to behold.

She truly is a sight to behold

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"L-Lizzie you're-..." Hilariously flustered, he clears his throat. "You're stunning!"

"He's right, Rachel would be proud to see the woman you've become." I add, only to find tears pooling in emerald eyes.

"Ciel..." Elizabeth pulls me into yet another hug, giving Finny some time to compose himself. But a secret plan becomes apparent as he looks for reassurance in Sebastian.

As soon as Elizabeth leaves my arms, my gardener takes her hand in his, kneeling down only to leave a gentle kiss. "You're beautiful, my lady."

Those eyes find the demon's only to receive a nod of approval.

Is Sebastian helping Finny win over Lizzie?

Before I could sweep him away for questioning, the carriage rolls up to the entrance. Awaiting our patronage.

"Shall we?" The boy asks in an elegant tone that I have never heard in my life.

"We shall."

Well, whatever flowery crap he's mouthing seems to be working. God only knows why.

The cobbled streets of London become far more difficult to traverse in these damned heels. Having to count on my partner's impeccable sense of stability for the support my own body cannot seem to muster. Allowing me to finally whisper what I've wanted to ask since I left the Manor.

"Have you been feeding Finny cheesy romantic lines?"

"Cheesy?! They worked on you and millions of people throughout the centuries."

"You didn't use that shit with me! You just told me the truth."

"I didn't particularly have a choice in that matter, my dear."

"But why in the Hell would that work on anyone? It makes me want to gag."

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and what is cheesy to you is romantic to Elizabeth. Just look at her Ciel, she's practically swooning."

"But it's a facade-"

"All he is doing is expressing his true feelings in ways that only nobles do. It's hardly rocket science."

"Are you sure it's-"

"I assure you I promise you that Finnian loves Elizabeth and isn't telling tales just to get into her bed."

"I never-!"

"I know but I could see it on your face." I take a deep breath, so quick to the defence that it took a moment for his words to sink in.

I was afraid that Finny was going to use her as Claude and Alois had done prior.


That kind, loyal boy who we saved from a life of experimentation.

My friend.

I assumed the worst of someone so innocent.

Someone who protected me and the Manor from harm.

And for that I am truly sorry.

"Sebastian...I will never question your judgement again."

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