Chapter 97: Parting Ways

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Ciel's POV

The bags are packed, the cart is on it's way, the family is together and Sebastian wants me to get ready to leave.

But I couldn't give less of a fuck.

"Ciel, come on. I will lift you into the cart myself if I have to."

"Then I guess you're going to need to prepare yourself because I'm not moving from this chair." I warn him in plenty time, flashing my usual stubborn glare, letting him know that I wouldn't budge on the issue.

"Please don't be so stubborn, darling. It's difficult enough to leave everyone behind without some leeway from the man I'm doing this for."

My composure begins to sway as I gaze at the heartfelt hurt in his eyes. The feeling that I know best from him in moments when I act like a brat. But this time it's worsened by the friends and family surrounding us.

"I-I'm sorry, Sebastian...please forgive me." I sincerely apologise, reaching out for his hand only to find that he had the same idea.

"It's perfectly fine, you needn't apologise to me for anything."

"Of course I do, you let me get away with everything I ever do wrong."

"Because I didn't just fall in love with your pretty face. I fell in love with your bratty side too." I find myself surrounded by the chuckles of the couple seated in the chaise across from us, feeling their amused judgement.

"Ciel, he loved you when you didn't appreciate everything he does for you and he loved you when you did. Do you really think he would suddenly want to turn around and give you a slap on the wrist? The man stood there as you threw darts at his head!"

The guilt over my recent and past actions only grows as I sink into a sea of dread, finding myself too ashamed to look him in the eye only for those porcelain hands to pull me out before I began to drown.

"We had an unspoken connection, dear Elizabeth. We wanted rid of the other and yet, we appreciated the presence of someone just as Machiavellian as we were. It was mutual hatred and mutual respect. A respect I carry to this day but a hatred I lost long ago. What Ciel had done to me prior is only another piece of a predestined plan leading to this very moment. One that cannot be seen." His warmth radiates from his touch as he helps me onto my feet, giving my the strength to say my goodbyes.

No matter how long I must leave, saying goodbye to Lizzy has always been the hardest task I have to complete.

Even when I found her...infuriating, I had trouble finding the right words to say.

I had trouble letting go.

But this time...this time I'm returning for a reason beyond simply arriving back home.

This time, I will return to become Sebastian's husband.

This time, I will return to a manor filled with joy and celebration for the Master to marry his beloved.

To become the first man to come close to marrying another man.

And a few weeks later, to become the first Male human to give birth to a child.

"I'll see you both on your wedding day, goodbye darlings." She cheerily waves our children off as Sebastian gently helps them into the carriage with care, knowing that I couldn't last a day without them.

"Goodbye Lizzy, I'll see you soon enough. Try not to miss us too much." Her soft giggles fill the air as her hand rests on my shoulder.

"I'll certainly try, but I make no promises. Time will fly by us and you'll be right back here before you know it."

"I truly hope so, Lizzy."
The Summer house looms over my head as the grey sky swirls above the darkened carriage. My dread emerging once more as I take the first step on those large marble slabs only for my children to excitedly run towards those enormous mahogany doors.

They jump around as though this is some form of holiday, as though this trip will be fun.

Which...when I think about it, it is a holiday for them. I'm the only one who is here to hide from the prying eyes of the public as I suffer through the long and gruelling pain of carrying a child within me.

To them, they are given a chance to go exploring a manor they have never seen before.

And they get more time with their Mother, one of the things I look forward to.

But then, as the days count down.

As the minutes tick by.

As the seconds dwindle down.

I find myself dreading the day that I must birth my baby...for I know the pain I must endure.

And I have never been more terrified.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! I'm very sorry that this chapter has taken so long, I've been swamped by College work and I felt as though I wasn't happy with the chapter so I was constantly trashing ideas and re-writing until I could finally deliver a chapter I felt was up to standard. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll try not to take so long next time 😂

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