Chapter 82: Cut The Bullshit

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Ciel's POV

Nauseous pains have become the daily norm. My hormones incapable of settling down for just one more hour as I am forced to throw up one last time.

My lovers hands gently rub my back in concentric circles, calming me as much as he can with his presence.

I'm used to it now.

It's awful to think that I am used to puking my guts out routinely but alas it's true.

I'm far too used to morning sickness and I'm afraid it's only going to get worse from here.

"My love, we have a meeting to go to this afternoon but if you're still feeling nauseous later I'll have to reschedule."

" I still have work to do..."

"Ciel, I'm the one who caused you to even experience morning sickness, I would rather you suffered in comfort. Besides we can work from home."

"We have been working from home for quite a while." I explain as the nausea loosens it's hold on me.

"Are you feeling cooped up in here? If so I'd gladly find somewhere more interesting-"

"A change of scenery would be nice." I agree as a loud pounding on my door begins. Startling me. I get up off the floor, wipe my mouth and give my teeth a quick scrub before Sebastian swings the door open to reveal a very angry young blonde.

"Elizabeth! What could I help you with-?"

"Cut the shit, I'm sick of your excuses. I'm worried to death about my cousin who is constantly vomiting and I demand to know the truth. What is going on Ciel?" Elizabeth's eyes pool with tears as she clearly knows that I have just stood up from the toilet bowl.

"I-" I search for any excuse I could give. Any answer satisfying enough to give her piece of mind but there is nothing.

Rows of empty filing cabinets in my mind.

"I'm pregnant."

"What?! That's not possible, stop lying to me Ciel-!"

"Elizabeth, I swear to you that this is not something I would ever joke about with you. Or anyone. I...I carry Sebastian's child. I've been keeping secrets for so long that I'm unsure of how to begin unraveling them. Sebastian is a demon and I created a contract with him to get revenge for the murder of my parents in exchange for my soul. He...he then fell for me and looked for a way to get me to become immortal like him but not before I began craving a child...wanting to carry a child so much that I couldn't stand it. He granted my wish and gave me the child I've been dreaming of but there were complications with a demon growing inside the body of a human...I almost died but he turned me into a demon. Elizabeth, my sweet Lizzy, you know that I would never lie to you like this."

"You're...You're pregnant?! Ciel...Ciel!" She couldn't help herself, grabbing me in one of those bone crushing hugs she used to give. "I'm so happy for you, but Sebastian I'm going to have a stern word with you outside in a moment." I assume that he's going to die any the hands of my loving friend and all I can do is give his hand a squeeze.


"No, he planned on killing you-"

"Not killing me, fulfilling my desire and eating my soul. I would have killed myself. But that doesn't matter now because I can't die."

"But he wanted-"

"Lizzy, listen to me. He didn't have feelings then. He was a cold and empty being without a reason for being until he fell for me."

"How could he if he had no feeling-"

"I don't know how it was like an epiphany. He cried...for the first time in those six years he cried and I-... I found myself falling in love with his true self. The Ciel that is unafraid to show his softer side. His weaknesses so delicately on display. I've loved him ever since."

"You really-"

"Yes Elizabeth, if I didn't love him, I wouldn't have turned him into a demon. I wish to live with him for all eternity. We are bound by the contract, by our love for each other, and by our children. I could never thank him enough for the life he has given me. It's perfect. He's perfect."

Her emotions are swirling as she glances between us. Her eyes filling with tears as her grip on me tightens.

"'re such a good Mother to Eliza and Astre, so whoever this beautiful little thing turn out to be-" Her hand delicately presses against my abdomen, her happiness growing with every word. "I know they will be loved dearly."

"Well...they have the sweetest Godmother in the world, standing right in front of me."

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