Chapter 57: Memories Past

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Sebastian's POV: From the Past

My Lord?" My composure stays untarnished as I knock three times on the ornate wooden door to my Master's bed chamber, with a feeling of nothing but dread beginning to reside within me. For I am certain that the young man who lives on the other side is not exactly stable.

"C-Come in..."

I never prepared myself for the sight I come upon as I unknowingly open the door to my young master lying on the floor of his en-suite covered in his own blood. Glass shards from the once beautiful mirror having become imbedded in his pale skin. Leaving him sprawled on the ground in agony. Unable to get himself up within causing more pain.


"What happened to you, Bocchan?" I ask, a hint of concern seeping into my voice as I very gently lift him into my arms. Glass falling from his messy slate hair.

"I-I don't remember. I woke up on the floor..." His voice is but a mumble as he struggles to open his eyes, drifting in and out of consciousness as the blood from his many wounds begins to trail down to the floor.

"Don't dwell on it, you can tell me everything once I've successfully cleaned you up. Just answer my questions as best you can."

I try to use an old tactic that seemed to help whenever I needed to keep him from falling unconscious through actively engaging in conversation.

"Do you remember anything about the dream you had?"

"They're never good, Sebastian. It's always the same." He answers as I pull out the first aid kit hidden underneath his bed.

Although, applying aid is never easy.


"I'm sorry, my Lord." My words shock even myself as a strange sense of sincerity courses through me. "What are the nightmares about?"

He answers through mumbling, something he always seems to do when he's in a rather serious amount of pain.

And although the medication available to us is helpful, it simply isn't strong enough to make a difference.

"I don't want to-"

"Please?" His right eye opens to peer down at me with something that can only be described as confusion, the soft glow of our contract glistening in the candlelight.

"Did you just ask me nicely?"

"Yes, my Lord, now will you please tell me?"

"Fine...It's the altar. The cult. I-... I didn't tell you everything about it." My interest certainly peeks as I watch the dread fill my little Master's expression.

"You see I...I tried to escape once..." The snowy skin beneath his eyes begins to flush a light red as he mutters under his breath. Uttering words that only demons can hear as though you were screaming them upon a mountain.

"I ran..I slipped through the bars and I last ditch effort. I believed that God would save much so that I prayed for my soul..." He snickers mockingly at the memory of the frightened child begging for his freedom. As if he despised him.

"What they did to me that night...and the many nights after was enough to dethrone that God....and any other." Tears that I have never witnessed roll down his reddening cheeks so gracefully.

Dancing to the tune of his agony.

And that moment something clicks within me. As though his tears have birthed me a new life. I feel as though I am witnessing the world for the first time, and quite frankly, the world looks so...imperfect in comparison to the human that sits before me.

The sound of his perfectly even heartbeat plays a symphony for two as his voice becomes musical. Enticing.

I can't believe it took me this long to realise how stunning his features are. On the edge of feminine and masculine in one beautiful little bundle.


Ciel, my little slice of Heaven, I can never tell a soul. Not a word to be had of these...feelings. For I understand the danger my infatuation would put you through.

So I will wait.

For as long as you shall live.

And I hope you live as long as you can.

Then and only then, can I truly experience what it is like to lose the man you love.

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