Chapter 89: The Children

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Ciel's POV

"What a cheap whore."

"Ciel! I happen to think this dress looks lovely on you!"

"A girl wearing this dress is far too noticeable in the most horrible of ways." I stare at the skirt that rests just below my ass, finding myself incredibly agitated that my demon is more concerned about looking at that very same ass than he is finding something appropriate for the mission.


"I-I'll wear it for you later, right now...right now I could use one of Mey-Rin's uniforms."

"You? A maid? Well darling, that's more seductive than the shred of fabric you're wearing now."

"So you're saying I'm not seductive without this 'shred of fabric', Sebastian? I would think pregnancy wouldn't change your view of my body~"

"You're perfect, you know that. Seeing you, knowing that you're carrying my child, my dear it's become so very difficult to keep my hands off you."

"My body is changing bit by bit and soon enough I will begin to show a lot more than I do now, will you still want me then?"

"Ciel, you do understand that I...I really enjoy seeing you like this."

"You're fetishising my pregnancy aren't you~?"

"Is there a problem with that, Phantomhive?"

"Not at all, just never let me forget it, Michaelis~"
Sebastian's POV

"You see my maid is pregnant and I can't let my wife find out. If she does the child will be killed."

"I see, I see, well you have come to the right woman. I would be honoured to raise the baby of such a young and beautiful couple. Even if it is a bastard." The old woman, Amelia Dyer, holds the hand of my beloved with tenderness that comes with an edge. Eyes that linger to where our child grows as she addresses him.

Eyes in places they do not belong.

"Mrs Dyer, I assume that you would hold no prejudices towards our child due to our...relationship. Would you?"

"No, no of course not dearie. Bastards and those out of wedlock are quite commonly abandoned here. I take care of as many as I possibly can but for you lovely children I will make doubly sure I have a cot ready."

Ciel's energy begins to grow from him in concealed anger. Refusing to blow his cover as a helpless little maid as he reaches out, feeling for the energies of the living. For the lives of the children trapped inside this decrepit hovel.

I will never get used to feeling his presence wrapped around every inch of me.

I will never get used to his ability to hide his emotion so very easily, even in a fit of rage he will never let it show if he doesn't want to.

"That would be wonderful! I just wish there was a way to hide this from your wife, Master."

I hate it when you have to use a prefix of a higher status to describe me.

You're my superior.

You always will be.

"Don't worry about that woman, little one. We can simply state that you had a fling with the stable boy."

"Thank you, Master...Lady Dyer, may we see your facilities? I-I want to give my baby a nice home."

"Of course darling, come in." She's done this before, several times before. Leading us into an idealistic and bright nursery filled with healthy babies in comfortable, labelled cots. But neither of us is convinced. Ciel's reach grows farther and farther until a hitch in his breathing changes his demeanour for a moment. Barely a second. But it's there. Eyes wide, expression frozen, heart rate increasing and blood rushing away from his porcelain face.

He's found what we're looking for.

I'll let him take the lead as promised. As always.

My king has a choice to make.

"Here are our latest arrivals, the youngest of the flock."

The flock.

She compares children to animals who need to be herded. Caged off and killed.

"What delightful children. It's a shame you love to kill them."

There it is.

That cold, dead stare that signals danger. A beautifully terrifying danger.

"E-Excuse me, Madam?"

"I'm sorry, you must have misheard me." Dyers takes a sigh of relief far too soon. "I said it was a shame that you love to kill the children you bring to this baby farm."

"I don't know what you're insinuating."

"Cut the bullshit Amanda, you make money off of the poor, defenceless women who cannot care for their children only to do whatever you please after the deal is done. Let me guess, you sell off the organs and bones of the children you starve to death so you can make even more money out of culling them."


"There is nothing that you can say now. Unlock the door to the next room."

"I refuse, th-this isn't right-"

"Neither is killing babies, open the door. I will not ask again." He pulls out his gun to threaten her further, that cold dead stare bearing deep into her eyes. Into her soul.

And she breaks, reluctantly opening the door only for the strong scent of decay to waft into the room. Leaving tears to pool into my lover's eyes, unable to contain his sorrow as the pain of the loss of a child becomes too much for him to bare.

The first bullet hit her shoulder. The second, her foot. The third, her stomach. The fourth, her abdomen. The fifth, her neck. The sixth and seventh, her thighs. The eighth and ninth, her breasts. And the tenth and final bullet hit her between her eyes as she screamed in agony.

And he wept.

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