Chapter 99: Pain

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Ciel's PoV:

The children run around the house as we get ready to head back home.

It's the 13th of December, and I never thought I could ever dread walking down the aisle to meet him.

Yet I do, and the guilt?

The guilt is eating me alive.

"Ciel, are you ready to go?"

I don't think I will ever be.

"Of course, I've just got one more thing to put away. Just one. Buuuuuut-"

"But it's a surprise for me and you don't want me to see it yet."

"It's almost as if you can read my mind."

"I've been doing it for a very long time." I give him a smile as his warmth fills the room, despite it all, I'm so grateful for him. I'm so very glad I cried that day. I'm even more glad that once I'm relieved of this temporary Hell, I'll be his husband and the man who bore his child. It doesn't matter how difficult these past nine months have long as I see that smile at the end.

As long as my baby is resting in my arms.

I don't care how long I must suffer.

At least...until my darling leaves our room.

That is when the pain kicks in.

The pain I cannot get rid of, the burden of pregnancy.

Only he can make me forget, for as long as he is with me. The room becomes a little brighter. Walking becomes easier. Smiling comes so naturally.

Though this, this is not the darkness I have known. Not the pain I have suffered. This is nothing like the devil I've known. This is fleeting, it's purposeful and it's going to be beautiful. I hope this will be beautiful.

His gifts lies in a velvet box, the purple bow bringing the memories of his hand gracefully covering my eye. The comfort of it. That hand. I had strength then. Support. I was powerful. Powerful enough to stand in front of more powerful beings than I. Far more powerful.

"Mama, are you ready to go?" Eliza coos, knocking softly three times on the door before opening it up a bit.

She truly takes after her Father.

"Yes darling, I just need to transform."

"Can I see?" She asks curiously, cocking her head to the side.

"Sure darling, but I can't be as extravagant as your Father."

"Daddy's a showoff." We chuckle as I fasten my suitcase.

"Believe me, I know!" She giggles, looking over her shoulder to see if he's there, not realising that he is always listening and most likely smiling as we speak. "Alright, are you ready?" I ask, only to receive an enthusiastic yes.

I lift myself onto my tiptoes only to push myself into a twirl. Spinning and spinning and spinning until there is nothing but a black and white blur, my skin tingling, my hair shortening, my breasts fading, my fangs retracting and my bump receding. The spin comes to an abrupt, elegant ending as I reveal the form that most know. The Earl. The young, slender man with an eyepatch to hide a dark secret.

Eliza starts clapping as she giggles away. "I still can't get used to that!"

"I hope you still enjoy it as much as you do now. After all, there are only a few weeks left before I can jump higher than Daddy." I tease, knowing that Sebastian's ears will be burning.

"Higher than Daddy?"

"Much higher, and faster." That is when her Daddy appears behind her in a split second.

"Your Mother's right, but I am stronger and more agile. Which is why I dance better than he does."

"I couldn't dance as a human either, sweetie." He's being kind in his playful competition. His arm finding it's way around my now much thinner waistline, though I can tell that he misses feeling the baby being there. How our child is now concealed from those who may harm us.

"He really couldn't." My lover bends over my shoulder to give me a welcomed peck on the cheek. "The carriage is here love, we mustn't keep it waiting." His arm remains as he lifts the suitcase off of the bed.

Giving me support as we walk downstairs towards the carriage, little did I know how beautiful that carriage would be.

Ornate gold and white design, with a more extravagant twist. Plush red leather couches and diamond encrusted lanterns hanging from the doors.

"Darling, you shouldn't have-"

"This is just the first of many surprises, my dear. Now, tell me. What little secret have you been hiding?"

Oh God-

Author's Note:  Hello everyone! I just wanted to take a moment to announce that my lovely boyfriend has started his own Wattpad account known as the "Toreador Fledgling" and he has begun a series of oneshots about Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines called "Aftermath." I personally love his current chapter and am dying to read the second but even if you aren't familiar with the series, you will love reading his work anyway while you're waiting for my next chapter ;)

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