Chapter 24: Help

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The knocks on the door were loud enough to shake the whole Manor as I was rudely awakened by the insensate and unrelenting noise. With Sebastian being called down to handle it, I had no choice but to let go of him for now.

It didn't take long for him to return, grabbing my clothes as quickly as possible and already kneeling before me, unbuttoning my nightshirt as he finally begins to speak.

"Elizabeth is here with Trancy. I have to put some of Mey-Rin's powder on your face to lessen the redness if you don't mind. I don't want to put makeup on you without asking your opinion." He gives me a kind smile as he continues his job of dressing me, a smile that would win academy awards.

"Of course you can. I don't want Elizabeth to worry about me when she is meant to be enjoying herself. And...I trust you with my face."

"Well I surely hope so, otherwise I'd be concerned about kissing you."

"Oh please, your kisses are always welcomed."

As soon as the last button is fastened he reaches a hand up to cup my cheek, giving me such a gentle kiss.

"And so are yours. Even when your lips are feverishly warm."

"I'm lucky that you can't get ill. I wouldn't last days without your touch."

"Neither would I." He adds softly, bringing out the compact, using the powder puff to quickly conceal the redness around my nose and mouth. But it isn't a bad experience at all. It's almost calming, feeling the soft puff glide along my skin. The mascara was a bit less so however, Sebastian would never hurt me. And he doesn't make mistakes. It became mind over matter really.

"There we go. You look healthy again."

"I certainly don't feel like I am."

"You'll be okay in a couple of days, I promise, but for now our little friend is waiting down the stairs for us."

"Our?" I ask teasingly with a grin, seeing his beautiful face light up like a child on Christmas morning.

"I mean I did have a hand in setting her up with Trancy."

"You what?!" I ask in shock, taken aback by the news as soon as it's heard.

"I thought about who would be her perfect match and I managed to match her up with Trancy. He's got immaturity, playfulness, knack for stylish clothing, less of a workload which makes more time to be with her, he is fascinated by you but obviously not as much as I do-" A single wink is enough to send my heart a flutter as his list continues. "He's loyal, spontaneous and he's known for his business prowess. So he can keep her financially stable throughout the years."

"Condensing his personality like that makes him sound perfect for her...then again we both know what Trancy would do to get my attention."

He gets up from kneeling in front of me to standing high above me. Bending down to me, he leaves three kisses along my jawline before leaning back again. "He won't be the one getting it, now will he?" He asks rhetorically as he offers his hand to me.

"Not if I can help it." I answer anyway, grabbing onto his hand as he pulls me onto my feet.

"We shall see." He adds as we make our ways down to the lounge where the happy couple resides.

"Ciel!" Elizabeth exclaims, pulling me into a hug as soon as I step into the room. Though this hug was not as bone-crushing as her usual, this hug held a secret.

"He tried to hurt me last" Is all she manages to say before she pulls away, putting on her old cheery smile. The one that hid her pain so well.

All I can do is pretend that I never heard a thing...but I don't want to.

I want to hurt him. I want to kill him. And by the stare of Sebastian I can tell that I'm not alone in my sentiment.

But...why not play a little game?

He deserves this.

"Alois, would you mind following me to my office? I'd like to speak to you in private." I announce stoically, feeling the eyes of everyone in the room resting on me.

"Of course not! Try not to miss me too much darling!" He so annoyingly adds, forcibly pressing his lips on hers to which, as his back turns, causes her to have to spit and wipe her lips in disgust.

As the door to my office locks behind me, the gun so eagerly awaits my touch. My fingers aching to pull the trigger as Trancy becomes aggressive under my gaze.

"You shouldn't have harmed Lizzy. Or any woman for that matter. I thought with what you'd gone through you would be better than this. Then again, you always were an annoying little shit."

"I didn't do a-anything to her! I love her!"

"After two days you're infatuated with her? No wonder she finds you repulsive."

"I'm not ly-"

"Only liars have to say that."

"You have to be-"

"We both know that I won't"

"She's a lia-"

"She wouldn't do that to me."

"She hates yo-"

"If she did, I would know about it by now."

"I hate yo-"

"I'd hate me too if I put a gun in my face."

"You're not scar-"

"Tell that to the sweat dripping down your forehead."

"I'm fucking sick of thi-"

"Then confess."


"Do you want me to kill you?"


"Then confess."

"FINE! She was an easy target, easily manipulated and oh so easy to play with."


Laughter fills the room as the lifeless body of my greatest competition crumples to the ground. Laughter becoming the only way I could release the giddiness that consumes my whole being.

"Power hungry?" Is all I could hear as the laughter refuses to cease. The amusement in my lover's eyes becoming more and more apparent as he steps ever so close to me.

"Good, because Lizzy wasn't finished telling you what happened."

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