Chapter 40: Soap

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"Sebastian, I choose you."

"I don't understand why you're telling me this I know you-"

"I mean that I choose to become an immortal for you. For us. I'm older now, wiser, I don't look too much like a child. I think...I think it would be silly to wait. But I want to tell Elizabeth and Sieglinde when their relationship, hopefully, flourishes into something more. I don't want to have to break her heart as she grows older and I have to fake my death. I died once and it destroyed her, I'm not going to do it again."

"You really care about her."

"She may be my cousin, but she has become a sister to me. I don't want to lose that...Promise me that when I must fake my death I can still visit her. Please?"

"Ciel, when you become a won't have to fake your death until you've become too young looking to be human. We'll have time."

"But I want to be there for her after that time is through! Please, Sebastian!"

"I never said we couldn't see them again, I was just warning you that you cannot be yourself anymore after your time is up. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you pretend to be your own son."

My own son? I...

I never wanted a son.

No one would believe that I would bring a child into a family as dark and twisted as mine.

I know that Vincent was glad to have me, and I am grateful for that, but I couldn't bare to see a child suffer as I did.

Because he is a Phantomhive

Because he is the heir to my dark "throne."

Sworn to die with this ring on his little finger.

I never wanted a child, for I feared it's end.

"But how would that work?"

"Demons can disguise ourselves, as I have done for you before-"

"Does that mean we could be together if you decide to disguise yourself as a woman?"

"No... I can only transform into my own biological sex. I'm sorry, my bocchan."

"So, you could dress up as a woman as I am today."

"But I-"

"No 'but's this time. If you do this...then I can marry you, in front of the whole world."

"I have a better idea-"

Ten Minutes Later

"What were you doing in the bathroom for so long?!"

"Probably each other-"

"SIEG!" Elizabeth squeals as she lightly slaps her best friend's arm, jokingly scolding her for her language.

"Unfortunately we weren't."

I fucking hate you Sebastian Michaelis.

"Sebastian I swear to Satan that I will-"

"Spank him~?"

"Sieglinde, I will personally wash your mouth out with soap."

"Use the strawberry one, that tastes soooooo good."

Elizabeth whips around to silently express her utterly amusing confusion at Sieglinde's sudden obsession with eating soap.

"Sieg, you need a psychiatrist."

"Lizzy, you need to stop knocking it before you try it."

"I am not going to eat soap!"

"Why not?!"

"Unlike you, I am a respectable young lady."

"Lucielle? Back me up here!"

"I would never eat soap, not even for Sebastian."

"Actually, my Lady, you already have."

"Wait what?!" All three of us wait in shock for Sebastian's next words, begging for answers behind such a ridiculous claim.

"During one of your far too frequent kidnappings, they didn't have socks to shove in your mouth so they used a bar of soap. Unfortunately, they shoved it down your throat and couldn't get it out in time. You were blue when I found you. And it took you an entire day to wake up normally, without puking up bubbly foam."

"Oh God..."

"Wait, people kidnap you often?!"

"Yes, I'm irresistible to kidnappers apparently."

"What I really want to know is how you saved him, Sebastian." Sieg chimes in, leaning over onto the table.

"I'm simply one Hell of a butler. I would do anything for my dearest."

"Even though it's disgusting to stick your hand down her throat?"

"Nothing that belongs to her is disgusting."

"Not even his own vomit?!"

"I said nothing."

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