Chapter 71: Emergency

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Ciel's POV:

So here I am, spewing buckets into the toilet who, like me, never deserved this torment. Heaving and heaving in between sessions. Pain shooting through my back as I lurch forward into an unexpected session.

"My poor, sweet're doing great."

"Fuck...this..." Is all I manage to say, vision blurred, heart pounding so quickly I fear I may-

Sebastian's PoV

I am forced to catch the head of my love as his whole body grows limp, dead weight and having lost consciousness. If I wasn't here to keep him comfortable, he would have smacked the side of his head off of the toilet bowl.

Last night, I studied human pregnancy at length and yet, no symptoms as severe as the ones my poor dear is suffering through.

No blackouts, no continuous vomiting for hours on end, no dehydration, malnutrition, anemia nor muscle cramping in the back within the first trimester. Nothing.

I will have to summon that lady a little earlier than expected. Lest my angel's life fizzle out.

I take my time, lifting my undeserved partner into my arms, carefully giving his body the adequate support it requires. The brightness of his skin turned to a dull grey.

Yet the soul inside fights on.

It's light, everlasting.

I lay him down as gently as possible. His heartbeat still slightly frantic. Trying to keep him alive as long as possible.

I can only thank it for that.

As soon as he is laid down in bed, I refuse to waste a millisecond more.


For the first time in my existence, I panic.

Speaking the Latin incantation with a tremor in my voice. My fears of losing my Phantomhive becoming far too real to bare.

"Yes Fau-?" Her eyes flick towards the loud, disturbed heartbeat of my love. I watch on in silent horror as the other demon mirrors my own expression. Finding her to practically leap to his bedside.

The urgency of the emergency situation I find Ciel to be caught in, is overwhelming. Yet, I am not the one who has the power to save him.

Not this time.

"He needs to turn. Now. He's dying. I need to do it now." She practically screams at me and yet I can barely hear her voice.

White noise filling my senses as I find myself catatonic. Frozen in place.

He isn't ready.

He's going to die and it's all my fault.

He's going to die and it's my flesh and blood that is killing him.

He's going to die and I never got to say goodbye.

"YOU NEED TO GET A GRIP." Her hand smacks off of my cheek, her superior strength almost knocking me over in my moment of weakness.

"Michaelis, if you don't try to comfort him on his journey, he doesn't have a fucking chance."

She used the name-

"That's not what matters now!"

I don't question her surprising telepathic ability as I find myself at my lover's side. Holding his hands in mine as he begins his journey into demonhood.

All because of me.
Ciel's PoV

I awaken inside the Manor to find a strange feeling in my hands. A tingle that I cannot describe. A warmth that isn't my own.

"Ciel, my love. Good morning." My eyes dart to Sebastian, the voice distorted. As though he wasn't himself.


"Yes?" He begins to grow more...demonic as time goes on. Every passing second twisting the memory of my precious demon.

"What's going on?" I ask cautiously, not giving away my disturbance. Just as I always have.

"You're dying, my love. You're dying."

I'm not dying. I can't die before the contract is up. Physically cannot die. So...

I remember fainting.

Am I in critical condition? All I can feel is the strangely soothing feeling in my hands.

I'm not dying...I'm turning into a demon. Does that mean that my human body cannot sustain the life of my child?

My child...?


I'm pregnant and I am becoming what I've always wanted to be.

A demon.

I will forever be the lover of Sebastian Michaelis and the mother of our child that lays dormant inside of me.

I carry a child.

His child.

For my baby, for my children, for my fiancé, my future husband and for my best friend. I will survive. I must survive.

Whatever it takes

As Time Goes On - A SebaCiel StoryWhere stories live. Discover now