Chapter 80: Gifts

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Ciel's POV

The clock ticks as the hours go by. My pen scratching page after page after page. My signature littering the stack and yet my mind is drifting elsewhere.

I will never grow old.

My children will never suffer the agony of a dying Mother. But I will suffer the agony of a dying child.

Of burying my gorgeous Eliza and my handsome little Astre.

Yet, one child will never die.

The child born of demons.

The child I carry in a womb that was never meant to be mine.

Created from dark magic.

"Ciel?" A voice all too familiar to me calls out, as elegantly feminine as I remember.

"Mother?" I ask meekly as I stare into the eyes of the woman I saw burn before me.


Rachel Phantomhive was always beautiful.

"My son? You can see me now, can't you?"

I don't hesitate to stand, walking over to my sweet Mother as she reaches out her hand to me.

That soft, cold hand that I take in mine with such eagerness.

"Yes, yes I can see you! Oh Mother, I've missed you."

"I know, I know. I don't have much time, the gateway to Heaven can only open for a short time."

"You went to Heaven?! Thank God. You deserved nothing less than the most beautiful afterlife. Is Vincent there with you?"

Her eyes sadden quickly as her free hand gently cups my cheek with such cool tenderness.

"No, my lovely child. Your Father committed adultery to bring your children into the world and he committed murder of all kinds. He was sent to Hell, my sweet boy. I'm so sorry to bring this news."

"He deserved it Mother, my children are incredible but my Father was not. It is not their fault for being the bastard children of Vincent. It is his fault for cheating on such a kind and gentle woman. I'm so very sorry for your loss."

"It's alright my love. Seeing you so happy means the world to me. I rooted for you both, you know. I prayed for you to finally fall in love, I just never expected it to be with Sebastian are the happiest I have ever seen you. I couldn't ask for a better partner to be with my darling boy. No matter their sex. I must leave but I want you to know that I love you with every fibre of my being and I will continue to pray for the health of my sweet little grandchild that lies inside of you."

"I-...I always thought you'd be disgusted by us. By Sebastian and I."

"Love is love my sweet little child. You are old enough to wed and so is he. You consent to your relationship and as long as the smile lasts on your face I will support you. I always will. Send your betrothed my love. I'm sure he'd be pleased to have the approval of his future husband's parents."

I let out a chuckle as she kisses my forehead like she used to. Leaving a bop on my nose as she steps through the wall. Her last goodbye warming my heart to melting point.

My Mother approves of us.

I can see her, feel her.

I have my Mother back.


The opening door interrupts my giddiness as Sebastian arrives to take me to dinner in the gardens.

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