Chapter 25: Flashbacks

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"I heard gunfire. I should've known you'd kill him." She states rather matter of factly. Finally looking at ease in her skin again. Her voice returning to a deeper, more mature tone. The way I'd rather remember her.

"No one hurts my family."

Sebastian's hand rests on my shoulder as he sits down on the couch beside me, as if he was warning me beforehand.

"I told you that he would dispose of him, did I not?" He mentions with a chuckle.

"You did, but I didn't think he'd confess so easily. I mean you're not exactly frightening Ciel."

"More like adorable."

"Shut the Hell up Sebastian! I'm threatening enough to scare him into confession."

"I heard your conversation and he got tired of your bullshit."

"I got tired of his bullshit first-"

"I'm sure you did sweetheart but that's not what we're here to talk about. Elizabeth, whenever you're ready." I send him a quick but still cold glare before softening my gaze as I look into Elizabeth's eyes.

"Well...don't freak out but he..." Tears begin to gather in those emerald eyes, her composure breaking down as she does. "He pinned me down a-and..."



"Lizzy you don't have to-"

"I-I WANT TO-" She shrieks, sobbing like she used to. But this time it's worse...this time there is nothing I could do to help her.

"He tore my much closer-"

I can't listen to this.

I can't-

The story drags me back to that place

Back to the room that only exists in my nightmares

Back to the altar, where the blood dripped off it's edges.

Back to the cultists who branded my flesh...who claimed me as their plaything

Back to the the the rape

Back to the the cage

Back to the rituals that required a defiled child... and they took care of that...

I endured it all

Over and over and over

I have destroyed that place, those men, their toys that could never be fixed...yet I am haunted by them. Controlled by them.

Consumed by them

Over and over and over

"Ciel, it's alright just breathe." A beautiful voice breaks through the vision. "Can you hear me, Ciel?" The images begin to crack...light pouring through as my eyes slowly begin to open.

"Se...bas...tian?" I ask slowly, my breathing becoming laboured as I regain control of myself.

"You passed out, it's alright. You're safe. I'm here." He answers as though he were talking to a scared infant who just had a night...mare...

Nevermind. I'm not going to complain about it this time.

"Yeah I'" I look down to find myself sitting on his lap, his hands supporting my back as well as my neck.

"You nearly fell off of the couch."

Okay then...can I move now or is he going to keep me like this?

"I'm sorry." My voice becomes as uncomfortable as I am. Moving into an upright position with the help of a demon doesn't bring me back the dignity I just lost by passing out in front of a guest. "Elizabeth..."

"No...don't apologise to me. I'm sorry for giving you such a hard time when you-"

"You told her?! Sebastian why-" My anger is cut short as he answers in a half whisper.

"Because I needed to explain this...I had no choice."

"You didn't have to tell her what they did to me!"

"What who did to you...?"

Oh shit.

As Time Goes On - A SebaCiel StoryWhere stories live. Discover now